20. fish on land

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As dawn broke over the horizon, Kaura found herself seated beside Penelope in the Mail Hall. Ric had called an entire meeting for the school. The witch sat with her legs crossed over another, patiently waiting for the adults to appear. 

Penelope bent over with a knowing grin. "Josie and I made up. Told her everything."

"I'm guessing that's why Lizzie seems like she's going to erupt a volcano just by swearing at it?" She grinned back at her best friend. 

Penelope flipped her hair and rolled her eyes. "She tried to screw up a relationship that has nothing to do with her. She deserves what's coming to her."

Kaura slanted back, making eye contact with the blonde witch herself. Lizzie was staring daggers in the back of Penelope's head. Penelope followed Kaura's gaze, meeting Lizzie's. She waved back and cackled with Kaura. 

The rapid footsteps from the front of the room caught their attention and Ric, Emma and Dorian appeared in front of their room. They looked exhausted, no doubt from last night. 

Ric cleared his throat, tapping the mic to silence the room. "Good morning students. I am sure you're all aware of last night's...adventures. I've tried to keep the issue private but at this point, it is inevitable. There are monsters targeting our school." Respectfully, Ric left out the fact that they were after Landon. As a human, he didn't want Landon to get bullied and hated for the danger he was bringing. "We haven't thoroughly assessed the circumstances but we are looking into it. In the meanwhile, keep calm and keep your eyes sharp. We don't know when they attack. We also don't know why. We are in the dark as much as you. But as a district, I believe that we will be able to overcome this. Caroline is occupied with off-campus pursuits so she will not be with us for a little while. Fear not, everything is under control."

The hall erupted with frantic questions. "How is everything under control when you don't know what's happening?"

"Are they trying to kill us?"

"Are we under lockdown?"

"Are we in danger?"

Emma raised a hand to quiet them down. "We assure you that we are analyzing the situation as best we can. We are a school for supernatural's, we will overcome this threat."

Dorian nodded, stepped up as well. "And after what happened last night, we've agreed that we should let you take the day off. But from now on, no more unsupervised parties. No more breaking curfews, no more alcohol. We do not want these monsters to attack when we are vulnerable."

"How are we going to protect ourselves?"

"We need individual weapons to feel safer."

"What type of monsters are trying to attack us?"

Ric cleared his throat, holding the edge of the podium. "For now, focus on school. Make sure that your physical and mental abilities are strengthened to a point where we will be prepared for any surprise attacks. As a community, we need to be unified now more than ever. We are in the same boat, we just need to work together to figure out where the holes are."

Kaura scoffed, inclining forward to whisper to Penelope. "They don't know what to do. They're panicking."

Penelope snorted, leaning back into her seat. "Fish on land."


Hope paced in front of Landon's room, not sure if she should go for it or not. She shook her head and knocked on the door lightly. Nobody seemed to answer and she quickly convinced herself to leave. But as she turned around, the door swung open, revealing Landon. His hair was curlier than usual and she assumed he slept in.

"Hi," she waved awkwardly. "I just wanted to see if you were okay. Last night was...probably very traumatic for you."

He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "It really was. It's not every day that mythical monsters want you for some unknown reason. I mean, I am the dullest of the dull. I am human."

Hope shrugged. "Maybe they want to share a milkshake?"

He laughed, running a hand through his hair. "That reminds me, we still need to go on a date. Yesterday was chaotic."

"Tell me about it."

"So what do you say? Let's take advantage of our break day and head down to the Old Mill?" He offered, one eyebrow raised.

Hope beamed, nodding to him. "Yeah, of course."

Landon waved, holding his door to close. "See you there at 6."


Hope frantically applied a dab of makeup on her face as Josie laid on her bed, reading a book. She seemed to be constantly texting on her phone and Hope narrowed her eyes. "Who are you talking to?" She asked curiously, applying some mascara.

"Penelope," she said with an embarrassed smile.

"What happened to not associating ourselves with her?"

"I am so over Lizzie trying to tell me what to do. If I want to talk to Penelope, I am going to talk to Penelope," Josie scoffed, tossing her hair aside and continued reading a page in her book.

Hope turned to her, eyebrows raised. "What happened between the two of you?"

Josie shook her head. She quickly explained what happened last night. "I mean, who is she to decide that stuff for me? It's like she's so invested in my love life because she can't manage to sustain one of her own."

"I agree, what she did was screwed up but I see where she was coming from. Love at our age is really easy for the wrong reasons and as your twin, she's just looking out for you. And you never know, maybe she was acting out of experience."

Josie rolled her eyes. "Only God knows why Lizzie does what she does."

"At least you have someone to look out for you," Hope chuckled nervously, toying with her hair.

Josie closed her book, looking at her with regret and pity. "Kaura takes some time to get used to. I'm pretty sure once she gets used to you, you'll be quick friends." Hope nodded and took a deep breath. "So you and Landon are going on a date. Alone," Josie said, trying to liven the room.

It worked because Hope smiled when she turned back to the mirror. "Do you think he's going to try and initiate sex?"

Josie came to her side, eyes wide with surprise. "What? What makes you think that?"

Hope toyed with her fingers. "Well, he said we were going to the Old Mill and Kaleb might have pointed out that the place is known for...you know. You think that's why he's making our first date there?"

Josie shook her head. "No, Landon doesn't seem like the type to do that. Raf or Mason maybe but Landon will probably kiss you at most."

Hope turned to her and wrapped her arms around her with gratitude. "Thank you, Josie. Wish me luck. 


"I don't need a crystal ball to tell you that she's going to tear you apart."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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