71. soft

46 2 1

Kaura soon got ready for the day and before she knew it, she was whisked away outside where Mason set up a picnic for them. It was a chill set up with a basket full of fruits, cheese, whipped cream. The whole ensemble was next to a large tree and there was even soft music playing in the background. Kaura already felt at ease. They both sat down, enjoying the snacks and laid back on the checkered cloth, bathing in the sun.

It didn't take long for a shadow to cast over them and Kaura realized that it was Raf. Lizzie was mounted on his back and she slid down, bending over to pick up a fruit. "So this is where all the good stuff went." She sat beside Kaura with humph, mumbling about how her week was exhausting and she needed the comfort of food.

Raf jerked his head at Mason and they both walked a couple of metres from the girls. The werewolf threw a football into the air and Mason caught it with fluidity. They rallied back and forth, engaging in small talk.

Lizzie sighed, watching as Raf moved. "This has been the happiest I've been in a while."

Kaura rolled her eyes, her eyes pinned on Mason as well. "Please don't tell me Lizzie Saltzman is getting soft."

She snorted, shoving Kaura playfully. "Shut up, I'm not getting soft."

Kaura laughed and slipped a grape into her mouth. She wanted to say that this was the happiest she's been in a while too but...there was still that faint feeling that something was missing. And she hated it so she stayed silent.

Lizzie grinned and began to mumble a couple of words under her breath. "Leviter ramulus aquam."

The sprinklers turned on and coincidentally, it was aimed at the boys. They didn't seem all that bothered by it, it was a soft trickle. Kaura chuckled. "You naughty bitch." But then she said, "Graves adspergine aquarum," and the intensity of the sprinkler increased. To this Mason turned to her with a playful glare before chucking the ball at the girls.

They both sprang away with a squeal, followed by a laugh. Lizzie stood up, leaving the wet ball behind and ran to Raf. He picked her up, twirling her so that the water soaked her entire front. She screamed and Mason followed suit, hauling his girlfriend into the water. The girls tried to worm away from the holds but it was challenging. Eventually, they broke off into a run as the boys chased after them through the sprinkles of water.

At some point, Kaura picked up the ball and Raf motioned for it. "Give me the ball, you witch."

Kaura snorted and threw it at Lizzie before Raf could take it from her. It became a game of hot potato and from afar, all you could see were smiles.

"Raf, pass the ball!" Landon called from behind, joining the match with Stephanie. The werewolf didn't hesitate, especially as Lizzie tackled him to the ground after throwing it to him.

Before Landon could even think about running, Stephanie snatched the ball from him and ran for her life. She screamed, and Lizzie clapped. "Yes, Stephanie. Now give me the ball."

With Landon chasing her, her coordination was wrong and the ball fell to the floor, a sad attempt to throw it to the witch. Everyone looked at it with hunger and as they all dove for it, Stephanie slipped on the mud ground the water was creating. Landon didn't expect it so he kept running at full speed, eyes on the ball. And when she fell, he fell on top of her heavily.

She groaned and he completely moved away. "Oh god, are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Stephanie massaged her torso, shaking her head. "It's fine, just a bit sore."

"Landon," Mason hissed as the ball hit his back.

He quickly sprang into action and once again, it was a game of seesaw. As they continued to play, Kaura announced, "Be right back, I have to go grab something from my room."

Mason nodded at her and the others continued to play as Kaura jogged into the building. People stared at her, especially because her clothes and hair were wet but she didn't care. She arrived at her door but before she turned the knob, she stopped mid-air. Kaura slowly turned around. As she expected, a being was standing there. Jade.

She stood with her arms crossed, a judging glare in her eyes. "So we meet again, Kaura. You probably know who I am by now."

"Of course I know who you are, Jade. Mason always talks about how much of a psycho bitch you are. It must be really sad to be so obsessed with the guy you cheated on only to figure out he forgot about you," she snorted. "Pathetic really."

"Is that what he told you? I'm not shocked, the real Mason lies," she said. "It must be fake with you."

Kaura chuckled, taking slow steps forward. "Whatever you say or do won't change anything between Mason and I."

She shrugged. "Hmm. Alright. You'll just have to learn it the hard way, don't say I didn't warn you." Before Kaura could turn around, Jade said, "You notice that little moan makes right before he climaxes?"

Kaura knew it was another jab to make her pissed off. She only cocked her head aside and smiled. "With me, it's not so little."

Somehow, it ticked something off in the vampire because she hissed. Her eyes turned red and she reached for the witch, trying to slam her head against the wall. But Kaura acted rapidly, grabbing unto the hand reaching for her. In seconds, the part where they were in contact pulsated red and she watched as began to siphon off Jade. The vampire visibly shuddered and Kaura pulled away before it got serious.

But she wasn't done. She lifted her hand and Jade screamed, clutching her head as she lowered to the ground painfully. Kaura crouched down to her level and whispered sweetly, "Next time I might go after your daylight ring, we'll just have to see. But don't worry Jade, I'll be free to play with you anytime."


"Oh, you're still a bitch, thank god."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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