62. rock and stone

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Kaura walked into the classroom, previously telling Mason to meet her later that night. She sank into her seat and watched Josie enter to sit beside her with a worried gaze. "What's wrong?"

"Lizzie is really angry right now," Josie mumbled as the rest of the class pooled in.

Kaura scoffed, shaking her head. "Lizzie always finds reasons to be angry."

"This time it's different. The last time I saw her like this, she turned the kitchen upside down and nearly killed dad with a knife," she said.

Kaura narrowed her eyes at that but before she could think much of it, Vincent clapped his hands, drawing attention to his figure. "Welcome, welcome. You already know who I am so I don't feel like repeating myself. I am going to start this off as a disclaimer. I don't want you to feel like I'm replacing your previous teacher, Emma. I'm sure she was a wonderful individual but don't get the impression that I'm trying to be better than her. With that aside, who can tell me what you know about mythical monsters?"

Alyssa Chang's hand shot up and the teacher picked her. Only she didn't answer the question. "I'm pretty sure we aren't supposed to be learning this. Emma told us—"

"I'm assuming you weren't paying attention to the assembly your principal called," Vincent said. "Ric has implemented a new curriculum so you might not learn what your teacher said you would learn this year." Ric himself couldn't understand why he placed the program, it was as if a deeper part of him urged him to do it with no question. 

"But Ric's a human, he shouldn't be deciding what the witches learn," a girl said.

He shrugged. "Fair point. Go talk to him about it." The girl didn't move and he chuckled. "Look, I'm just doing my job. I'm fairly new here so whatever issues and concerns you have to address, speak to the other teachers. Back on track, for those of you who don't know, mythical creatures are supernatural animals that aren't meant to exist in real life. Vampires, werewolves and witches don't fall under the category because we are supernatural beings. There is a difference. I learned recently today that we have our own mythical creature on campus and I still struggle to believe it. But someone, give me examples."




He nodded with approval. Vincent picked up a remote and clicked a button, causing the projecting screen to light up to a horrifying broken creature that emerged. "Today we are going to look at the first monster. Amores. Has anyone ever heard of her?" They shook their heads.

Kaura rolled her eyes and whispered to Josie, "This is so boring. Emma would have taught us how to create healing potions or something. Not learn about things that don't even exist."

"Miss Bennett-Parker," Vincent grinned and the class turned to her. "Do you have something to share with the class?"

Kaura huffed. "No."

"I think you do. Tell me something about Amores."

"Witches only use Latin to cast spells and we learned the language in like grade 5. So I know that amores means love and I'm assuming she's a monster of love." Little did she know that she was once possessed by the monster.

"You are somewhat correct, somewhat wrong. Witches don't only use Latin to cast spells," Vincent paced in front of the room. To this, Kaura narrowed her eyes with slight curiosity. "Most witches around the world do. But there is a small portion of places that don't and this includes New Orleans. We use French to cast our spells. Regardless, come to me after class. Speaking during a period of learning is not tolerable."

Kaura rolled her eyes but didn't seem to care. He went on and on about how Amores's lover left her at the altar for her sister. The monster spiralled out and killed both of them, becoming a creature of immense resentment and viciousness. And before she knew it, class was over. Kaura nearly forgot that she was meant to stay back but Vincent clicked his tongue.

She waited for everyone to file out before she approached his desk. "What do you want me to do? Write, I won't talk during class 45 times?"

Vincent only stared at her, leaning over the desk. It was a heavy silence and with each growing minute, Kaura felt edgy until he muttered, "The day your mother pleaded my coven to revive you was the day I saw the true determination of a Bennett witch. I watched her pour her whole entire world into your survival. She was a woman of authority and power, I'll tell you that." 

She froze. "You knew my mother?" Kaura said in a small voice. When she resurrected Mason, she saw Bonnie but it still hurt to know that she was never going to see her again.

"Everyone knew your mother. She was the rock and stone of New Orleans, within the ranks of the Mikaelson's. A force to be reckoned with even, most didn't dare plot or touch their family because of her. And don't get me started on her boy toy. I heard he made vampires feed on vampires. The rest...I'm not sure you want to know." He was referring to the time Kai had slaughtered a handful of people with the names starting with O's.

Kaura chuckled, her eyes beading with glass tears. Sometimes she wished she grew up in New Orleans to hear all these stories about them. But it was Bonnie's dying wish that she stay with Caroline so she didn't think about it too far.

Vincent pushed himself up from the desk. "But I didn't call you back just to tell you that or to write a meaningless sentence 45 times. I called you back because I know that the magic they are teaching here is not the magic you should be learning."

"What? This is the basis of all witch magic—"

"Remember what I said earlier? New Orleans has different magic. It's called the Initial Conjuration and it takes years and dedication to learn. But your parents learned it so I'm assuming the knowledge of the magic is thrumming in your blood. You just don't know how to use it because you're young. You just haven't reached your full potential."

Kaura swallowed as she stared at her fingers. He was right, sometimes when she used her magic, she could feel another large portion of it aching to be released. She was always afraid of it, especially after Ric and Caroline told her to never use it without permission. "Teach me how to use it."

Vincent clicked his tongue and moved towards the door, opening it. "I would. But I can only recommend you a better teacher. Talk to Davina."

That was all he said before he pushed her out the door.


"You ask a lot of questions."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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