78. 566

39 1 0

Hope stayed in her room for the entire day, letting the school figure out the problems she caused. It was selfish but right now, she felt like she couldn't breathe. Deep down, she knew that Landon deserved to be happy. Even if it wasn't with her, she had to accept his choice because she loved him, right? So why is it still painful?

A knock came at her door and she didn't remember saying anything when it opened. Mason walked in gracefully and jumped on the bed. "Welcome back."

She huffed and buried herself under the covers. "I don't feel so welcomed."

"What you did was insensitive, I'll admit," he shrugged.

"Thanks for reminding me, Mason. How was your summer break?" Her voice was muffled under the pillow.

Mason chuckled and laid back, planting his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling. "For what it's worth, thank you. I would not have been able to wipe the memory of my name to save people. It's just not how I'm wired."

"I'm starting to wish I stayed in the book," Hope muttered as she pulled the covers away and stared at the roof with him.

"Don't say that."

"Really? It's certainly what Kaura is saying."

"You know Kaura, she's like that. Deep down, she loves you," Mason reminded with a sigh. Girls are complicated. "I think out of all of us, she missed you the most. I'm pretty sure a part of her knew you were gone and she suffered more than she needed to."

Hope turned to him as she wiped her blistered eyes. "When I was in the Legendarium, I daydreamed about how I was going to meet you all. I thought it was never going to happen but it was nice to think about it. Came up with a total of 566 scenarios. None of them came close to this."

"Did one of the scenarios happen to describe that I am a hybrid?"

She sat up abruptly to that. "What?"

He chuckled. "Yep. Kaura..." he remembered the memory too. "Kaura killed me. Well, some possessing demon killed me and she resurrected me. We found out that the price was that I became a hybrid."

"So I'm a tribrid and you're a hybrid?" She chuckled, a small smile coming to her face. "Who would have thought. A year from now we were just single, best friends and as normal as a supernatural lifestyle could get."

"Could you even use your powers in the Legendarium?"

"The moment I signed and wrote my chapter in the book, my supernatural capabilities were wiped away until I was summoned out of the book by a Master. Never happened so I spent the whole time sitting and drawing."

"So now that your back...your first werewolf turn is going to be on the upcoming full moon, right?"

Hope smacked him and rolled her eyes. "You really know how to ruin the mood. But yes, my first turn will be happening on the next full moon. Since I'm a tribrid, I can control my turns but my first one has to happen first."

"So that means that since I'm a hybrid, I can control my turns too, right?"

"I guess," she shrugged and turned to him. "But enough about that. What's been going on with school?" Other than the fact that Landon is dating someone that isn't me. She hated herself for sounding so jealous but she couldn't help it.

"My crazy ex is back to torment me and she was one of the 4 new students. Sebastian, Stephanie, whose parents are Elena and Damon Salvatore, and my little brother but he'll be leaving by Christmas," he informed. "Kaura and I are dating and so are Raf and Lizzie. We're all pretty chill with each other. The only bit of drama there is is between MG, Raf and Lizzie. MG flipped his switch, killed like 40 people and is now in some sort of rehab. I'm pretty sure that's it."

"MG killed 40 people?" Hope exclaimed.

"I know. I heard the teachers say something about him being a Ripper."

"That just reminds me," Hope said in thought. "Since I'm one from three species, I'll have to go to all three classes."

Mason snorted. "Good luck. Me on the other hand, I skip all my werewolf classes because I don't need to learn about it yet. Dorian gives me hell but he can't do shit about it."

Hope smiled. "Thanks, Mason. For coming here, for listening to me."

"It's almost like the good old days," he mused.



Thunder clapped outside and it was raining heavily. School was cancelled for the rest of the day but the building was still pretty busy. The werewolves were in charge of making sure the school was barricaded and the vampires were making sure everyone was accounted for and not outside. As for the witches, they made sure that spells were reinforced.

But then the paced footsteps of heels emerged in the hallway, revealing black combat boots. Her hair was in loose curls and dark, ash lipstick drew across her lips. Her pupils looked darker than usual and there was a black streak of ink climbing her forehead like a vine. "Well, well, well. It's almost like you guys were waiting for me," Dark Josie mused.


"You nearly gave me a tracheotomy with a bread knife. Humor me."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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