50. guardians of the garden

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"The only thing my encyclopedia has on the gnomes is that they are ornaments for gardens," Dorian muttered, flipping through endless pages of his books. "Maybe we're looking too much into it. Maybe that tight-ass Ryan Clarke put them around the school."

Ric picked one of the smiling statues and examined the short, stumped figure. "I get this odd feeling that it's watching me."

Caroline barged in with a small pant and demanded, "What is going?"

"What do you mean?" Ric asked as he rose from his seat, the statue forgotten about.

"Have you seen the hallways?" She scoffed. "It's a mess. There are vines and green plants everywhere--" She turned back to the doors, prepared to step out to show them but it was somehow locked. Caroline jangled the knob again and tried to use her vampire strength to burst it open but it didn't even budge. She jumped back when the door began to grow vines. "What the hell is that?"

"It's the gnomes," Dorian declared and stared at the green stems. He touched it and tried to pull but it didn't move.

A cheeky grin erupted around the room and the three swivelled to the gnome statue in the centre of the room. "There's nothing you need to worry about, friends. Master has finally decided to grace you with her presence. We're just mounting the field for the one thing she truly wants," it said creepy tone that was too cherry.

Hope and Landon.


Raf tried to open the doors, tugging at it with all his might. Even Mason was trying but the door didn't move an inch. Raf growled and looked around the empty room. "What are you even doing in this room?"

"I was looking for Kaura," Mason hissed and tried for the door again. The two of them were stuck in her room together.

"Why am I not shocked?" He rolled his eyes. He dropped the gift he was going to give on her bed.

"You're always going to be jealous, aren't you?"

"Shut your mouth."

"I'm guessing that means I'm getting warm?"

Raf grabbed his collar and brought him to his face. "Look, I'm trying my best not to hate you because Kaura likes you but if you keep talking, I'm going to hurt you."

"Like you hurt Landon? Expect I'll come back to life. I guess Landon did too but that's not the same thing, is it? You can kill me because you know I'll come back. But killing your best friend without knowing he's going to come back?" He sucked his teeth. "I suppose it makes you the worst type of monster--"

Raf hollered as he threw Mason against the wall. "You know nothing about what happened. It was your fault I was so angry that day. You and Kaura--"

"Once again man, you gotta learn how to manage your anger issues. Jealousy is not a pretty colour," Mason chuckled and flitted out of reach when Raf tried to grab him. "Why do you hate me so much? Is it because you know I'll be better to her than you ever were?" Raf got his hands on him once more and before he could deliver a punch, Mason knocked their faces together and it sent Raf reeling back. Mason laughed harder. "What even happened between the two of you? Did you cheat on her?"

"I would never," he snarled and dove forward again. Mason flitted behind the werewolf and kicked him to the floor.

"Then what happened? What made her want to break up, what made her scared of having another relationship? Because whatever you did, I need to take notes," he mused.

"There was a pregnancy scare," Raf seethed as he stumbled to his feet. "Kaura never wants to have children after what happened with her parents and I forgot to ask that I wanted to try without protection. Her period just showed up late."

Mason scoffed. "So you are a dick--"

A short clipped laugh erupted around the room. "This spectacle is the entertainment I've been longing for centuries," the gnome on Kaura's drawer drawled. "But don't mind me, keep at it."

Both boys turned to it with a questioning glare. "What are you?" Raf demanded.

"Is it not obvious? I am Gnome, monster from the Legendarium and guardian of the garden. Master has given me the duty to keep extra players occupied while she goes after the real treasure," it cackled.

"Treasure?" Mason question, shivering at the fact that the object was talking to him. So it was watching.

It grinned. "The one thing she's been after all along. We couldn't bring them to her so she's going to them. Everything is going according to plan."


Penelope pounded on the door with annoyance. "Somebody. Get me out of this room before I slaughter the viper behind me."

Lizzie stood with her arms crossed and a menacing glare. "What were you even doing here in the first place?"

"Josie went to look for you. And when she didn't come back, I started to get worried. I thought she'd be in here room but turns out it's just you," she sneered.

Lizzie scoffed and shoved the witch aside. "Trust me, I don't want to be here anymore than you do." She placed her hands on the door and watched as it began to pulsate red. Josie and Kaura were siphoning off their doors too in someplace.

Penelope stepped back as the vines and plants on the door pulled back. Lizzie grabbed the handle and opened it, throwing a fake smile at the witch. "After you, your Majesty."


"We learned that in eighth grade."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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