Dragon Ba-Adults?!

Start from the beginning

"The Evil Queen is planning something. I saw her trick your lover into freeing her. And she has hired a stupid old fairy." Pitch said with his serious voice. "Faybelle Thorn. Of course she of all people would sign up for this." "Just keep an eye on that little fairy, I'll do my part on the Evil Queen." "Pitch?" "Yes?" "Why are you helping me out? You're usually the bringer of chaos." "She's stealing my job. I'm the one everyone should fear." "Of course, can't have your reputation ruined." I said jokingly as I wiped my eyes. "Make me proud Y/N. Cause a little chaos and fear." Pitch said with his famous smile, "Of course Pitch, anything to get me home. I missed you so much Pitch." I said, hugging him one last time "I missed you too my little nightmare. Good luck." Pitch said before disappearing into the shadows like the ghost he was. I smiled to myself as the sun began to rise, I met my godfather and had a conversation with him. I missed his smile after all these years. Spleens woke up and stretched her body as she noticed she was no longer surrounded by baby dragons. "Nevermore?" I heard, it was Raven looking for Nevermore. "Y/N have you seen Nevermore?" "No, I came here and saw you asleep without her. Sorry." "Nevermore!" Raven shouts, waking up the baby dragons that were in a pile. "Great, now she woke them up." I said, calming the babies down from trying to burn the stables. "It's alright, don't let the the mean Raven bother you. She's just looking for her dragon friend. Not that I think Nevermore shouldn't be a pet. But she can change her size so I can't tel if she is a baby like you guys so that's a mystery." I said confused, I really couldn't tell if Nevermore was a baby or not. "Why not get you some exercise. You shouldn't even cooped up in this stable all you life, come on. All of you. Let your mum sleep." I said as I tried to leave them outside but they stayed put. I'm gonna need dragon armor for this. But they don't have any for me. Damn it, I'm gonna have to improvise. I grabbed any spare armor, or what wasn't used and made one of the babies melt the metal to my design this was gonna take a couple of hours.

The whole morning later!

Out of the few pieces of metal I had collected, I managed to make my dragon armor with my own few touches. "You like it? It's not flashy like theirs but it'll protect me. Kind of, there really wasn't much left." I told the babies, they chirped in agreement as I put the armor on, also I managed to remake my make out of the dragon armor. I still have my original mask put I didn't put it on it worry of it burning "Okay now that hour has been waste time, let's get you onto the field. Let's show them that you're here to stay." I said positively, the babies jumped around and chirped and got more comfortable with coming outside, only if I brought Spleens. I managed to sneak them in, and get them onto the other side of the light dragons were supposed to come out; by shadows of course. I shoved opened the doors and let them out and heard the crowd gasp in shock and fear. I pull down my new mask with it's new touches and walk out after the babies. "Ahem! Yoo hoo! Excuse me?" I heard Snow White call out. I responded by turning my head to look at her. "Yes, thank you for listening. But there seems to be a slight misunderstanding. Your dragons are not permitted in this arena, for the time being. Could you please place them back in the stables until we are finished?" Snow White asked kindly, I knew better. Sweet and tart, just like an apple... well... depending on the apple. I nearly shook my head and went on over to the other side of the field were I gave the babies a little gust of wind for them to glide over one foot in the are. I nodded to the babies and started to fly with them in the arena. The other players got onto the field and we're going through the holographic gems. I thought maybe the babies would like to have a go with it and slowly guided them towards a sapphire gem and waited for them to give it a try. Everfear was the first to go and he enjoyed going through it like it was a sprinkler in the summer. His brothers and sisters joined in after him and glided through more as I tried to avoid the other riders as possible. Apple's dragon, Braeburn, passed the balled to her outcasted brothers and sisters and wagged her tailed like a dog, obviously wanting to play with them. "Apple, be careful. Those dragons are dangers." Poppy warned, as Felecity slowly made her way towards the ball. She didn't want this to be some cornel joke on her or her siblings.

The Light in the Dark {Apple White x Fem~Reader}Where stories live. Discover now