Chapter 31: ➢ Up The Stair, Not Down The Pole

Start from the beginning

"WHAT?! Do I look like a tightrope dancer?!"

"Skyler, you have to trust me," He replied hastily, loading the small black gun-like device in his jacket pocket. "Get on the sill," 

"Please god, send me up the stairs and down the pole," I muttered, sending a quick prayer to the duck gods to treat me good before hefting myself up shakily on the window sill. The chilly wind sliced over my bare skin as I stood there barefoot and freezing over Argent's lawn - my soon-to-be grave. 

Without a second to lose, Gabe loaded whatever he was fumbling with and stuck his upper body out of the window, aiming above my head. He shot once and a large hook attached to a long metal cable wire shot out, grappling itself onto the window of the floor above. 

I stood there astounded. What is this?! James Bond?! 

"Sky, I need you to climb down, Munchkin," Gabe told me hurriedly. I gulped, grabbing onto the cable with my cold hands. I felt my fear of heights slowly skin down to my lower body, causing my knees to buckle. I can't do this! I can't fricken do this!

"Sky-" Before Gabe can tell me some more reassuring words, the door shattered off its hinges. Gabe immediately turned around, firing his gun. I squealed, turning around to grab onto the rope and hoist myself down, until I caught sight of the armed men that were running onto the lawn, yelling and pointing at me. 

Great, If I had jumped now I would've been that Swiss cheese. "Gabe!" I faced Gabriel frantically, his eyes glanced at me for a moment before counter firing at the men firing at him. Within seconds, he grabbed ahold of one of the big sturdy statues that were stored in the room and toppled it down in front of us as a cover. 

His eyes were full of concentration, I was actually surprised to see him formulate a plan so quickly. The bullets ricocheted off the statue providing a temporary shield for us by the window. He immediately appeared beside me on the window sill and grabbed the rope with one hand while his other hand extended out to me. 

"I need you to climb to the floor above us," He told me with so much determination. For a moment I almost considered doing it with no question until I finally registered what the hell he had just asked me to do.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I snapped back, shivering at the coldness biting at my bare feet on the sill. "We're tryna go DOWN Gabe, not UP!"

Who the hell does he think I am?! Climbing and crap! I can't even make it up the flight of stairs at Xavier's mansion without taking a break 10 stairs in! Not to mention my upper body strength is that of fricken Homer Simpson!

"I know! I just need you to trust me," He shook his head, extending his hand further to me. I gazed at it hesitantly but knew I had no other choice, this was do or die. Before I had even comprehended in my mind that I was immensely terrified of heights, Gabe had already grabbed me and hoisted me up. 

"Holy ducks!" I shrieked, climbing the rope for my dear life as I heard the guns firing from below me in response to Gabe shooting down at them.

The fact that I didn't get a bullet right up my feathery ass that whole time was a fricken miracle. Reaching out for the window on the upper floor ledge, I managed to scramble myself onto it. I grabbed ahold of the freezing metal handle of the window I yanked it down.

"It's locked," I muttered out of horror at the handle not going all the way down. Within seconds Gabe's face appeared beside mine as he pulled himself up within seconds. His hand gestured for me to move out of the way before sending a hard kick at the window. 

My mouth fell open like a fish out of water at the sight of the previously locked window clattering open at the strength of his punt. He flashed me a grin as I stared back at him in shock, "There you go milady," Okay that was kinda hot.

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