The Commander of course was pissed, but Sukuna stepped up and protected Yuuji. Sukuna's fierceness for shielding his brother had Yuuji's heart skipping a beat and a heavy blush to dust his cheeks.

The two were put on hold and they used that moment to try to patch things up.

Yuuji asked what exactly had he done to wrong his brother that caused Sukuna to ignore him all those years ago. Yuuji also asked why did the tall behemoth had an issue when he brought Chouso as his boyfriend turned fiancé, but Sukuna didn't answer.

The answer would have to wait, seeing as Kaijus had been sighted. They wanted to join the fight but were denied. They weren't put on the field until one of the Kaiju caused an EMP surge, and luckily, their Yeager was analog and ran on nuclear power of its own.

When they drifted, Yuuji had to overcome his grief and guilt for the betterment of the mission. The two drifted successfully, but not until Yuuji caught sight of a glimpse of an interesting memory from Sukuna.

As expected, they kicked the Kaijus asses, grinning in exhilaration and bloodthirst all the way.

A way was soon discovered to close the Rift once and for all, and the twins agreed in following the Commander to the bottom of the ocean. 

Said commander was accompanied by Toji Fushigoro to pilot the only other nuclear run Yeager.

Toji and his son were the ones Sukuna and Yuuji rescued the very last minute. They too had the same bound like the Itadori twins and were perfectly compatible. Unfortunately, Megumi was injured, so Toji took the chance to help his old friend once more. Toji pulled his son into one last deep kiss, which the teen sobbed against, before pulling away and following after the commander to suit up. 

The two teams made it to the bottom of the Pacific ocean. They fell into a trap and Toji and the Commander had to activate the bomb to make a way for the twins to finish the job.

With their broken Yeager and a Kaiju corpse in hand, the two successful passed the Rift.

Due to lack of oxygen and exhaustion, Yuuji was teething into unconsciousness. Sukuna activated Yuuji's escape pod and sent him up whilst he activated the nuclear bomb by hand. He almost got himself killed by almost slipping into the large fan, but he succeeded in getting to the switch and activating the bomb sequence. He made it to his pod and escaped.

The blast from the bomb had his pod propelled up and faster, and he narrowly escaped from the closing Rift.

Yuuji, who was back to himself, waited for the arrival of Sukuna's pod. When it came to the surface, the pinket heaved a sigh of relief, but then got so worried when the pod didn't open. 

Something was wrong. Sukuna should have opened his pod already.

Yuuji jumped into the water and swam over to the pod. He got on top of it and opened it with the emergency latch. He looked at Sukuna's still face in worry, terrified to the core when he realized that his brother wasn't breathing.

He did some chest compressions on Sukuna, lightly slapping his brother's face. Sukuna didn't respond and Yuuji thought the worst. 

With a sob, he grabbed Sukuna and pulled the unmoving man into a hug.

Yuuji had never been glad to hear a cough so much in his life until that day. Sukuna joked in his ear with a raspy voice about Yuuji trying to choke him and the pinket let go of his brother in shock.

With tears in his eyes, Yuuji grabbed his brother's face and pulled his Sukuna into a deep kiss, shocking the older twin.

"Wow." Sukuna breathed out, blinking at Yuuji with shock.

"I saw your memories, Nii-san. Your confession to Uraume san." Yuuji said shyly. "You're not the only one who feels the same way."

"Huh. So I could have gotten a confession from you if I pretended to be dying in your presence all those years ago, huh?" Sukuna grinned at Yuuji, who rolled his eyes in exasperation. 

"Don't push it, Nii-san."

Sukuna let out a deep chuckle before gently grabbing Yuuji's face and pulling him into a chaste kiss. 

Yuuji closed his eyes and deepened it and the two made out right there in the ocean, not caring about the passing aircrafts or that the whole control room in HQ could hear them.

Seeing as the Kaiju menace was over, the two retired, going to live a quiet life in a secluded area in the mountains, surrounded by nature.

Their first night consummating their relationship was soft and gentle. Sukuna handled Yuuji with care, showering the man with attention, love and pleasure. He had Yuuji moaning and mewling his name, opening up beautifully for his Nii-san, and taking what Sukuna gave him with happiness.

There wasn't a day that the two didn't head for the cliff close to their home and sat down at the edge of it, with Yuuji leaning on Sukuna and his head on his brother's broad shoulder as the two stared out into the horizon.

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