We discussed the game of truth or dare, all of them agreed that what the girl said was wrong, but I quickly informed them with what my sister told me, and that she's not good news.

Leah did have her thoughts and spoke those across to me with worry. She wants me to be safe and be surrounded by safe people. Although none of us agree with what that girl said - it was disgusting the way she humiliated Caleb like that - Leah was worried. But we talked and I assured her, if it gets that bad again, Caleb will be getting help. Me and him have both spoke openly about that.

We're both in therapy now, and working forward for ourselves just not each other, so as long as we carry on, I think we'll be okay.

Bryne had a lot to say about her night and not once did I see her smile falter on her face. She's happy - truly happy. Jake isn't in the picture anymore, he's leaving her alone, and she's finally having fun the way she's always wanted to.

"Sex like that it's just so different, you know? Like I've never felt anything so intense like that before." Bryne is gushing to us all. She's insanely happy, I know. "I'm such a bottom, didn't even think I would be, but Jesus, Nikki could do anything to me and I'd thank them with a thousand kisses."

I can't really have input on what Bryne's experience because I've only ever been with one person - a man, Caleb - but Leah looks like she understands her more than anything.

They start gossiping between one another while me and Lizzie just giggle and look at one another, listening to the girls go on and on about sex.

It's not long until time passes us in insane speed and the forty minutes is up. I'm nervous to see how my hair takes to the dye. I really do want the vibrant red hair look, and since I do have virgin hair, I'm hopeful for that outcome.

I grab my clothes from my bedroom as well as two old towels to use on my hair. I know for a fact this dye is gonna bleed onto any fabric it can touch, so I'm definitely not using my new towels.

I give the girls a nervous wave off to the bathroom as they all smile up at me like I'm a puppy learning it's first trick.

Honestly, I'd say they were dramatic with this, every since I came to college they've seen me change, but this is big. I'm changing my appearance and I'm so unbelievably excited.

I'm soon locking the door behind me, and I stare at my reflection in the mirror as I drop my towels and clothes to the floor.

I peel off the plastic bag slowly, and soon I'm met with my hair covered red. Even wet, my hair is bright red. The colour I've always wanted. Happiness spreads throughout and I can't stop smiling.

I take off my old - now dyed and ruined - shirt and turn the shower on to warm. It takes a while to fully heat up so while I wait I grab my phone and take a photo of myself in the mirror.

I look hot.

Messy but hot. I think about sending it to Caleb but I'm soon deciding against it. I want to surprise him with this in person. I want to see his full body reaction to my new look.

I put on my shower playlist, blasting it up to full volume and I'm soon under the water, my body that was once pale, having red dripping down it.

I try not to think negatively, but at the look of the water bunching up at my feet, it only takes me back to that first shower with Caleb after his accident.

We both tried in that moment to make light of the situation and spend that shower kissing and telling jokes, but I don't think anything could distract us from the amount of blood that was in that shower that day.

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