Chapter 2.

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She smiled so brightly, not a nerve in sight, she seemed so much more confident than I was, standing there feeling like an ant about to be stepped on

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She smiled so brightly, not a nerve in sight, she seemed so much more confident than I was, standing there feeling like an ant about to be stepped on. "Hi, I'm Lizzie."

"Monica." I reply with a small nod, and that smile never fades as she looks at me. "Welcome to Yale."

She's so pretty, so naturally pretty. She's got blonde hair - almost platinum - that trails just below her shoulders, too long to be a bob, but certainly still short. Her thin bangs, overgrown slightly, so much that her aqua eyes shine through and I smile.

She's shorter than me, just by a little, two inches at the most, and her clothes that hang to her body seem so innocent. She looks like a princess.

"Real name's Elizabeth, but please, just call me Lizzie. As much as my parents say to embrace the family name, I never warmed to it like they did."

"Well, it's a beautiful name." I comment, looking down at my feet, the overwhelming feeling of my own awkwardness drowning me.

"You been here long?" She asks and I snap my eyes to hers, politely answering with a shake of the head.

"About an hour, wanted to get here early to get settled and obviously join the all-so-famous tour everyone talks about." Sarcasm is thick in my voice at the latter. The tour sucks here. With all the research, movies and tv shows I've watched starring this place, I already know the ins and outs.

"Well, I'm gonna go check out my room and unpack, if you need anything I'm just next door."

I leave her be, and I go to sit back down at my bed, pulling my laptop out from under my pillow. Yes, my pillow. It's a cause of habit. It would be the only place my mom wouldn't check when she searched my room while I was away at church or school.

And even now, I think it still lay there. I can't think of a safer spot. I always lay it under the opposite side of the pillow from where I rest my head. Plus, it's not far from reach it I ever need to leave the apartment, in case of an emergency.

I've always told myself, that I'd pick up two things with me if I had to leave anyway where I was staying.

1, a blanket. Just so I can keep warm and have something to comfort myself with, no matter the weather or clothes I have on, a fluffy blanket is needed.

And 2, my laptop. Not because it's worth value, I could easily afford a new one with the savings I have away. No, it's because when times call for desperate measures, Netflix will be waiting for me.

I think that alone, tells you what kinda person I am.

The first day of anything new always seems to be overwhelming, but this is on another level on insanity.

I'm at Yale.

I'm so consumed by everything. How the buildings look, the people that go here, the greenery and small towns that surround us.

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