"Yeah, we uh, we had a really good time." I'm like a Cheshire cat this morning, I can't stop the smile on my face. "Kinda wish we started the night earlier though, we didn't get to the hotel until nearly midnight and by the time we were in bed for the night it was practically sunrise."

"Long night, then?" It's the most obvious question with an even more obvious answer.

"Just a bit." I mumble with a nod before looking back over at Caleb, watching him smoke what's left of the cigarette. "Can I finish it?"

I don't smoke often, the last I smoked was the night up on the roof and I don't plan on starting an addiction to it, but sometimes it's nice - it calms me down.

He answers me with one long last drag before handing it to me, laying the cigarette between my two fingers. "Be careful, yeah?"

Before I can reply, Bryne's shrieks are what catch our attention. "Caleb! What about me? You promised!"

"I'm sorry, I forgot, but there's not much left anyway, maybe two or three drags, want one to yourself?" He asks her and with an enthusiastic nod of the head, she seems more than happy with it.

Jake doesn't seem at all happy with this situation but Caleb follows through with what she wants and lights up another cigarette for her before handing it forward to her in which she takes gladly.

Caleb was right, there wasn't many drags left, but I got a good four out of the poor thing before it had totally had enough and I gave it back to Caleb to die out in one of his bottles of water he bought that is now empty.

I don't know why, but I really did think everyone would judge me after the events of last night, especially with how I'm dressed, but everything seems normal.

But still, as we're talking openly about the events of last night or just life in general, I'm very conscious and embarrassed of my actions, which I shouldn't be.

I have no reason to be.

I don't regret last night, I've asked that of Caleb three times today already, but personally, I loved it. In fact, I'd do it ten times over if it meant I'd be waking up beside him. 

I still can't believe I have a boyfriend.

Caleb's mine.

"Oh, we have news!" Caleb announces.

His perk up in energy and starting yet another conversation has me frowning in confusion. What is he talking about now? What news?!

"Are you gay?" Bryne is quick to ask, giggling as she does and I'm dropping my head into my hands in reaction.

He hesitates before correcting her, "I'm... bisexual, but that's not what I'm talking about."

"Did not know that." She nods her head sternly, taking in account of the new information, seeming quite surprised. "Happy pride!"

"It's October." He deadpans before smiling. "Anyway, I asked Monica to be my girlfriend this morning."

"Well, it's about time, what has it been? Two months of you two fucking like bunnies? I mean, Caleb, no offence, but we were kinda waiting."

"Bryne!" I screech - it being my time to bring out my inner Lizzie, "Shut up!"

And then she turns in her seat, still driving by the way and smiles like an idiot, "I'm so happy for you two."

"Turn around." I urge and she lets out a sigh, spinning back in her seat. "And, thank you."

"She didn't say yeah though." Caleb felt the need to add that information in of my misfortunate awkwardness with answering questions.

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