Dad's not home. Thankfully. I don't know why I brought him back here, I guess I'm not quite ready for people in the frat house to know my past yet. Not everyone needs to know that.

"Want a drink? We've got water, soda, tea, cof-" I list off drinks aimlessly, trying to cut the tension and awkwardness in the room.

"Water's good."

I walk away from Tommy, going into the kitchen, and I grab two bottles of water fresh from the fridge, before going back out into the lounge to him. He's just sitting on the couch, like nothing's changed in two years since he was last here.

It's so strange. I truly feel like this a screwed up nightmare that I'm gonna wake up from. I'm going to wake up, Monica's going to be beside and I'm going to have a shitty day at college ahead.

But no, it's real. He's really here.

"I don't know when my dads going to be back, so, uh, I don't wanna be rude or anything, but I just need to know, why are you here? What do you wanna talk about?" I talk to him and he looks over at me with a weary look. We both know what it means if dad comes home.

"Sit, you might need to sit for this." He tells me and I roll my eyes. I just want this to be over with.

"You're not gonna tell me you're dying, are you?" I ask and he scoffs at my comment. "Okay, so? Tell me."

"Your sister." He spikes my interest instantly, I look up at him with every worry rattling my brain. "She contacted me."

"And?" I'm begging to hear the rest of what he has to say. She needs to be okay. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, she's fine. She's in Florida, back near where you used to live with mom." He tells me and I could almost cry with happiness. I've missed her so much. "She's been trying to contact you, so have I, that's why I made the trip. Did you change your number?"

"Fuck." My stupidity is absurd sometimes. "My phone, I lost it years ago now. I just got a new phone, new... everything."

"Well, she's given me her number to pass along to you. She wants to see you." He gives me a screwed up piece of paper and I take it from him, looking down at the scribbled down numbers.

"Did she say anything else?" I ask, missing my sister more than anything.

"She said that she's got some news to tell you, it's not bad or anything, and that she misses you." My heart breaks. I can't believe it. I could've been in contact with her all the time, but my phone got lost, and I stupidly didn't keep the same number.

"God." I huff out the air I'd been holding and I run my hands through my hair.

"If you don't wanna go alone, I could come with you." He offers and I shake my head instantly.

"No, it's okay. I've got... I'm seeing someone." I tell him and he raises his brows.

"Is he good in bed?" Of course that's his first question.

"She." I correct him. "And I'm not telling you that! You're my ex for a reason, I'm not telling you about my sex life."

"Jeez, okay." He holds his hands up, "Didn't think you were quite into women."

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