Chapter 8: "How Are You So Sure About That?!"

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There's finally running water! I finished taking a bath and found some new clothes too!

I found a black and white plaid shirt, a pair of jeans, black vans, and I put my hair up in a bun. After that, I put on the bracelet Tay got for all of us.
'I miss him so much.'

I went downstairs and saw Cam sitting down on the couch and Bree "cooking" some food.

Bree found some new clothes too. Not much though, just a plain black short sleeve shirt, with a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans, Nike sneakers, with her hair up in a ponytail.

"I like your outfit." Can said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and went over to Bree to get some food. Surprisingly, with a bit of engineering, she got the stove working.

"Foods ready." Bree said taking out three bowls from the cabinets. I took one of the bowls and grabbed a spoon.

I took a couple scoops of the soup and went over to the couch. I sat on the other far end of the couch, away from Cameron.

"Here." Bree said. I looked over and saw Bree handing Cam a bowl of soup. "Thanks." He said looking up at her, kissing her cheek - I guess they're a thing.

We all started eating and it was nothing but pure silence. It was so silent, I could hear Bree and Cam chewing.

Finally, after getting annoyed by the silence, I decided to speak up. "This soup is amazing Bree." I said putting my bowl into the sink, along with the spoon.

"Thanks." She said with a smile. I smiled back and made my way back over to the couch.

"So how do you think the others are doing?" Cam said. As Cam said that I started thinking about Matthew. Skylynn. Kadence. Edelyn.... Everyone.

'They could be dead and we wouldn't know it. They could be walkers for all we know!

'Why did we have to split up...'

"I miss Matthew." I said letting tears fall down my face. Cam walked over to me and put his arms around me.

I leaned into him and cried into his chest. I didn't care if I was mad at him, I just needed someone to comfort me. To let me know that Matt, Sky, Kaden, Lyn, and the others are ok. That everything's gonna be alright.

But I know its not...


We found another little girl. Her name is Merida. She has red curly hair just like the character Merida from the movie Brave.

She was absolutely adorable. Carter fell in love with her the moment he saw her. He's treating her as if she were his little sister.

Gilinsky and Johnson are like her parents... 'I wonder who's the mom.'

We found her in a house that was four stories tall. She was locked in the basement, hiding behind a closet door, with cans of food, bottles of water, books, pillows and a blanket.

That's the best thing you can ever have in the apocalypse in my book.

She told us that her mom told her to stay there and to never come out until she came back - yet she never did.

She told us that she doesn't know if her mom is dead or alive. But she said that her house is probably safe so we decided to check it out the rest.

Her house was clean - except for her bathroom. We found her mom lying on the bathroom floor with an assault rifle in her dead hands.

"She probably took her rifle to defend herself." Merida said from behind us. We all looked at each other with sadness plastered on our faces.

"Does your mom have anymore weapons?" Carter asked Merida, his voice cracking a bit. "Yeah. She has them hidden everywhere in the house." She said sitting down against the wall.

"Ooo, gun hunt." Johnson said excitedly. "So, there's a couples of guns in the basement, meet me up here and I'll see if you found all them." She said pointing to the stairs that led to the first floor.

The guys and I ran downstairs and ran through the door that led to the basement.

Gilinsky and I looked through the locked cabinets. But first, he had to pick all the locks. "You need to teach me how to pick locks." I said while searching through the cabinet.

I cleared the cabinet and saw a PP2000. I gasped in amazement. "Zayumm." Carter said from behind me.

"No one can call dibs on any of the guns unless Merida says so." I said taking the gun from the cabinet.

Everyone sighed. "And if we can I call dibs on this one." I said chuckling. The guys gave me a death glare as I smirked.

"You guys find anything?" Gilinsky asked the others.

"I found a MP5K." Johnson said smirking. "I found a Semi-Automatic Pistol." Carter said.

"I think we found everything, let's go to Merida." I said. And right after I did I heard Merida scream.

"MERIDA!" Carter yelled running out the door with his machete in his hand.

We both ran after him and we saw Merida's mom dead and Merida with half an arm. "Well don't just stand there! Get a cloth!" He yelled with tears brimming in his eyes.

Johnson ran into a random room and ran out with a white towel. Johnson tossed it to Carter and Carter wrapped it around Merida's left arm.

"It's gonna be ok Merida. Everything's gonna be fine." Carter whispered to her, walking over to her bedroom, placing her on her bed.

"Get me a pillow." Carter said sticking his hand out. I grabbed a blue throw pillow and threw it to Carter and put it under Merida's stub.

"If Emely was here, she would've known what to do." Carter whispered looking down.


I finally slept well. The best sleep I've ever had since everyone split up at the prison.

I saw there was a dead walker caught in the sticks. I woke up Taylor and Lyn and told them we had to try and find the others.

Luckily there was probably a neighborhood no longer than like 10 miles. We could walk that in about two days or less.

They woke up and got their stuff ready. "We're gonna start now. Once night time comes, we'll find a good shelter and once morning comes we'll continue."

They both nodded. I removed the sticks from the entrance and crawled out. Once I was out, I took in a deep breath of fresh air. It smelled like normal summer air, but with a whiff of dead people.

We started walking and came across a few walkers. Nash and Taylot killed them all. I wasn't in the mood to kill anything at this moment.

We decided to walk through the forest since Taylor said it'll be a shortcut.

But at least we found a house that looks like it's clean.


Merida's Image Is Gonna Be In The Next Chapter

BTW, Merida's 10 years old.

edited x3 ._.
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