kozume kenma • gamers love

Start from the beginning

You heard Kozume make an annoyed sound to himself.

"What's wrong?"

He stared at the road, "Nothing."


In the chat, people were spamming you to tell your first impression of Kozume. You glanced over to Kozume driving with one-hand and the other with a beverage up to his mouth. You blushed at him and immediately snapped your head out of thought that was starting to churn up in your head of him and you being together.

"Kozume is hot."

Kozume almost spat out his drink. With hurry, he set his cup down and put two hands on the steering wheel to center himself. You furrowed your eyebrows at him in confusion.

"What was that, man?"

"What do you mean what was that?" He asked you loudly with a tint of red covering his face, "You are saying weird shit!"

"All I said was that you were hot," You shouted back, "That's not weird. It's being honest. Do you not like being called hot?"

"Want to be called sexy?"

"Stop!" He squeaked at you in embarrassment, "Fucking stop!"

"Fine," You sighed, "But.. yeah. That was my first impression of Kozume. He was always cute, but now he's really my cute teddy bear."

Kozume blushed harder at your comments.

"Am I dating Kozume?" You read a comment, "No. He's my partner-in-crime. My best buddy. My ride-or-die. My favorite, little gaming boy. My cute pudding."

"If anyone would like to date him, he's still single and doesn't ha-"

Kozume directed his attention over to you, "Turn off your stream."

"Hm? Why?" You asked him, "What do you want me to turn it off for?"

Kozume stopped at a red light and reached over to your camera to turn it off in the car. You watched him achieve his goal and return back to his seat with a sigh of relief. You blinked rapidly at him and decided to put your camera away.

"Chat didn't deserve that," You told him, "They're going to be mad at you later."

"They'll live," He told you, "For today, I don't want to be filmed by a camera. Instead, I want to take you around and show you everything."

He glanced over to you, "I want this day to only center around you.. It's your first time here and I want to show you everything.."

You leaned on the arm rest between you two and got close to him, "Oh? Everything?"

Kozume blushed red and started coughing. You sat back in your seat and giggled.

"It was a joke!" You told him, "But I agree with you, I've been streaming for this whole morning. We should spend time together and get to know each other more during this whole day!"

"It'll definitely be a fun experience with you."

Kenma looked at you in the corner of his eye and smiled.


"Hm?" You asked him, "Did you say something?"

"No," He declined, letting out a small, fake cough, "It was nothing."

Before you both went anywhere, he drove to his high-end penthouse and helped you get your bags out of the car to hull them upstairs. As he walked ahead of you to unlock the door, you peered out of a window of the large apartment complex and looked at the amazing scenery.

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