The Long Awaited Rematch

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Inner Moka: Ah! It feels good to be in my own flesh and feel my own blood circulating through my body....Now, I believe there is a rematch that needs to be held. Wouldn't you agree Onuwa?

Onuwa gulped. After one month in Monster World, during his second year at Yokai Academy, Moka's inner self, was finally freed. And in her own body no less. This happened due to Moka's sacrifice that led Onuwa and Tsukune to travel to the netherworld for the first time, and retrieve both Moka and her inner self. Now that she was freed, she easily beaten the girls who were in love with Onuwa. Making sure that they knew there place and who would be the boss in this shared relationship. 

Inner Moka: I have been itching for this day for a long time...Don't disappoint me~ And no, Moka and your friends won't be able to save you. It's just you and me now. 

Tsukune: You can do this Onuwa! 

Moka: Make it count! She has been waiting a long time for this rematch!

Onuwa: Geez, you do not say? *Slowly smiles* So I take it that you are okay with the others liking me too?

Inner Moka: Of course. As long as they know who the top dog is of this relationship. That would be me. And You...Well, I guess we will have to see on that won't we?

Onuwa: Would you have it any other way?

Inner Moka: No. I suppose not. Once I beat you, Then you will be bestowed with an reward for letting me win. If your young body can take it.

Onuwa, finishing his stretching, said to Inner Moka: What logic made you assume that I would let you win?

Inner Moka smiled: No logic. Call it intuition. Are you ready to lose?

Onuwa: Not going to lose. Not with you. You will make sure that I win either way. 

Inner Moka took her stance: I suppose you're right. At least you'll get a work out.

Onuwa nodded and took his stance. A moment of time seemed to stand still. Until both lunged at each other. Fist cocked back. Smiles of confidence on their face before it changing to roars of battle cries.

The END ^w^


I want to thank everyone for reading this story. This is my first ever Rosario to Vampire story. Can you believe that this anime is 13 years old? Time flies if you were me, busy with teenage life.  Nevertheless, for my first try, this story came out very well. Thanks to the lord, who makes all things grow. Nevertheless, thank you all again. See you next time. Lord willing.

BYE!~ ^w^  

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