The Second Popular Girl Of Yokai High/ Kurumu Kurono

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'Look at him. Taking notes. Acting so normal. How pathetic. Yet he was able to go toe to toe with two of the best combat students of Yokai High. Maybe he is the one. The one I am destined to be with. I won't know until I make a move.' It was the next day. Onuwa was taking notes. Unaware of the succubus staring at him. Kurumu Kurono. She was the second popular and smartest girl in Yokai High School. She never took a liking into humans. Until Onuwa came on the scene. In another reality, Kurumu would be in love with Tsukune. Making herself the second member of his harem. But not in this reality. 

Kurumu wrote a note and crumbled it up. Then she threw it over to Onuwa. Onuwa unwrapped the crumbled paper and it read: Meet me after class. Kurumu Kurono. Onuwa looked to his left and then his right. There he spotted the girl. From her sitting she was around 6'3 at best. In reality she was taller than Onuwa by 2 inches. Because she was a succubus, she had control over her height. She also had a body that made her loved by the monster men and envied by the monster girls. 


Kurumu: Onuwa Oviyan....That is your full name right?

Onuwa: It is...But how did you know that?

Kurumu: I looked over your notes. You always write your name and then the date.

Onuwa: Oh yeah. So you must be a monster too? What kind?

Kurumu giggled: A succubus.

Onuwa: Whoa...For real? I never heard of those before and I never seen any before. But I guess I can say I have now after I have seen you. For a Succubus you are really pretty. 

Kurumu blushed. She giggled again and replied: Oh surely you jest you human bean stalk you!

Onuwa: No I mean it. So what is your name?

Kurumu smiled and said: Kurumu Kurono. It is a divine honor to meet you. 

Onuwa: Likewise I suppose-

Tsukune: Hey Onuwa! Can you come with us?! There's something Moka and I wanted to talk with you about.

Onuwa:...Sure. Okay. Can we talk later? Maybe during lunch?

Kurumu: Delightful. I would see you then my monkey man?

Onuwa blushed: Monkey man? I guess it is better than hairless ape. Sure. You will see me then. 

Kurumu: Wonderful. Bye then~

Onuwa: Bye.


Onuwa: So what is it you guys. And Tsukune, I noticed you falling asleep in class. Moka, you have not been taking advantage of him have you?

Moka bashfully giggled and replied: No......?

Onuwa chuckled: Yes. Yes you have. He needs his blood to stay alive. How is he going to be around to care about you if you suck all blood out of him?

Tsukune: It's alright Onuwa. No big deal.

Onuwa: If you say so my friend. So what is it? Is there something wrong?

Tsukune: Well Moka and I wanted to ask you for two favors.

Onuwa: Oh sure. What are the favors?

Tsukune: The first one is to help us with the News Paper club.

Onuwa: OOOOooo....News paper club. That is for Yokai High school right?

Tsukune: That's right.

Onuwa: Great. What's the second request?

Moka: My inner self wants a rematch with you. And training sessions. If you do not mind. 

Onuwa: Your inner self? Oh yes. You told me yesterday. Your inner self and you are two different people right? Because I don't want to interfere in any relationship between you two. There is a possible relationship blossoming right?

Moka and Tsukune eyed another and blushed. 

Onuwa: Oooooo.....You two are in love~ Tsu and Moka sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

Tsukune: Ha Ha. Very funny. 

Onuwa: It is so adorable is all. Okay, I will help train your inner self Moka. And we can have a rematch. But I do not want her to try any funny business once she takes over. 

Moka: You have my word.

Inner Moka: Your word means nothing. Once I come out, I want to suck his blood! You can have Tsukune! But Onuwa is mine! 

Onuwa blinked. He said to Moka: Are you okay? 

Moka: Uh. Yes! Everything is well!

Onuwa: If you say so....'She must have a telepathic connection with her inner self. For a split second her eyes said that once her inner self came out she wanted to suck my blood. Something else about her having Tsukune and Me being hers...Whoa...Please do not let that happen to me.

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