Rivals For The News Paper Club

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Onuwa: Whew! That was some roller coaster of a vacation. I actually had fun. 

Kurumu: Had fun dying you mean?

Onuwa: How many times do I have to apologize?

Mizore, Yukari, Kurumu: You were going to leave us all alone! Sure the act was noble but understand that you have people who care about you too!

Onuwa patted the air: I understand. I understand. 

Moka: You can't blame them for being angry with you still Onuwa. Even my inner self is angry with you. 

Onuwa: How angry are we talking about?

Tsukune: She mentioned that once she found a body and she was freed from Moka, the first thing she was going to do was bury you alive.  

Onuwa: Oh wow. She is that upset. By the way, how does that work? I know I have been told this many times, but I still can't grasp the idea of a opposite soul sharing a body with another. It is truly bizarre. 

Summer Vacation was over. Now it was back school. The new term took its course. And with that, came rivals. Today, the first one would be Ginei Moroika. His charm won over the girls that were into Onuwa. But his main target was Moka. How could he get to Moka due to her love being so strong for Tsukune? He framed him. 


Onuwa: You sure that he did it?

Tuma: No. He didn't do it. That slime ball Ginei is known for his speed. That was how he took the girls pictures of their panties without getting caught. 

Onuwa: He must have used his speed to get pictures of Tsukune too. So he could photo-shopped  them. But why? What is he going to gain from all of this?

Tuma: Moka's hand apparently. See Onuwa, Ginei has had a crush on Moka since middle school. Because they are polar opposites that makes their relationship challenging. And then there is this, he never wanted to be in a relationship with Moka. He wanted to show her off like some trophy. Which was why she never tried to date him. But she might reconsider now if we do not put a stop to this. 

Onuwa: We?

Tuma: Obviously. Your girlfriends are too busy being under that mutt's trance. Tsukune is being assaulted as we speak, we are the only ones who know about this, need I go on? 

Onuwa: But why do you want to help me?

Tuma: Rivals help another out. Always. Never forget that. 

Onuwa cocked a brow. Not sure if he could trust Tuma. Tuma also added: Not only that, but that mutt has been a thorn at my side long enough. Causing chaos whenever he could. Now he is going to reap what he has sown. 


 Moka: I dunno. I find it hard to believe that Tsukune would be capable of such crimes.

Ginei, while he and Moka were on the roof of the school, replied: I know it is hard to believe. But you can trust me. It is true. I saw him do these things myself. 

Tuma: Only problem with that is that Tsukune cannot be at two places at once. But you can. Can't you Ginei?

Ginei, when he and Moka turned around and saw Onuwa and Tuma, said: Ah Tuma. Onuwa. What brings you both here. If you are trying to stop Moka from being with me, you are both too late. 

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