New Year/New Look/New School/New Students/Old Reunions

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Kurumu: I wonder what's taking Onuwa so long?

Tsukune: He lives in America. You have to give him time to arrive. 

Mizore: America...Sounds like a bizarre name for a country. 

Yukari: I been there once. It's pretty weird and there are foreign letters. 

Moka: Hopefully he'll be here. I wouldn't want him to be late for his second year. 

Tsukune: None of would. Hmm? Hey! There he is!

It was one year. Now it was the second year at Yokai Academy. The old academy was destroyed. A new one took its place. What was inside the new school  was something everyone could not wait to find out.  Onuwa, now 13 years old, arrived in front of team Tsukune. He waved and said: Yo! Sorry for being late. My parents wanted to make sure I had everything I needed for school. 

Kurumu, Rubi, Yukari, and Mizore embraced Onuwa. They said to him: We missed you Onuwa!

Onuwa chuckled lightly: I missed you guys too.

Yukari: Were you thinking about us Onuwa?

Onuwa: Of course. I never stopped thinking about you guys. After all we are a family are we not?

Tsukune: Yeah we are.

Onuwa: Tsukune! They let you come back for another year huh?!

Tsukune nodded. He said: Not only that but my abilities are starting to improve. 

Onuwa: I am glad to hear that! Now Moka will have a decent partner to spar with! So how are you two romantically speaking? Any good news you want to share?

Mizore: They haven't confessed to each other yet.


Onuwa: Aw man. Hopefully that will change I really look forward in seeing you two as a couple. 

Tsukune: We better get going. School is going to start soon. 

Onuwa: Yeah....New School here we come!

Everyone: YEAH!


Numa: Welcome to the new Yokai High School. I am the headmaster Numa. I am a Turtle Monster. First I would like to welcome the old roster. I would also like to welcome back Tsukune and Onuwa. They are the first humans we have welcomed back to our world. 

An applause was given for the boys. They gave bashful looks before Numa continued. Numa: Now to the new students that are doing their first years here, I expect you to follow the rules as you have read within your manuals. To the second year students, you will be given dorms that you will share for this second and third year. 

Team Tsukune: We get our own dorms?!

2nd year roster: We get our own dorms?! Jackpot!

Numa: Not so fast. Girls will be in their own dorms. Gentlemen, you will have to do likewise. 

2nd year Male Roster: Aw....

Onuwa: Wow. You really got their hopes up for a moment there Mr. Numa.

Numa chuckled: I know young romance. It is like a flame that never goes out. Oh to be young again. *Ahem* Now then, 2nd year roster will be given new teachers for new concepts. concepts that will help out the monster world. 1st year roster, you will be given the teachers that the 2nd year roster had. It was how they became the 2nd roster that they are. With that being said, 2nd year roster will follow one of the counselors to the 3rd floor. Where your dorms are. Girls likewise, your dorms will be on the 4th floor. If there are no questions, I would personally like to say welcome back and let us all make the time here at Yokai High School Interesting. 


Tsukune: Well, so much for sharing the same dorm with the girls.

Onuwa chuckled: Oh lighten up. Mr. Numa never said we couldn't hang out with the girls in their dorms. We just cannot share the same dorm with them. Pretty smart would be my highest compliment. 

Tsukune: So we'll be roommates then.

Onuwa grinned: Looks that way. 

Tuma: Nice to see you again Onuwa. You changed your hair?

Onuwa: Tuma! Nice to see you too. And nope. Haven't changed my hair at all if I am being honest. 

Tuma chuckled. He said to Tsukune: Welcome back. I am sure Moka missed you a lot. 

Tsukune nodded. He said: Yeah she did. It is great to see you again Tuma. 

Tuma: You too. Cannot wait to see what lies ahead of us. Should be interesting. Would you not agree Onuwa?

Onuwa grinned: Yeah. I cannot wait to see what challenges lies ahead. I may not be ready like before, but I got some training in. Now I'm going to see how much it will pay off.

Tuma: I have been doing some training as well. Maybe if you are fortunate we will have our rematch. For old time's sake. 

Onuwa: I look forward to it Tuma.

Tuma: As do I...Rival.


Kurumu: Look at all this fan letters we got from the younger students. The girls sure are impressed with us. 

Moka: Yes. I can see that. It has been not too long ago. When we faced Kuyo. 

Kurumu: Yeah. If it wasn't for Tsukune or Onuwa. We probably would have lost. 

Moka: I agree. I wish I could sleep in the same room with Tsukune. 

Kurumu: Hence the reason why our new headmaster made this rule. You would probably suck him dry of his blood again.

Moka blushed and yelled: That is not true!

Kurumu grinned and replied: If you say so. Oh. Your inner self. How is she?

Moka: She has been very impatient. She wants to find a body to posses and badly. She really want to face Onuwa again. 

Kururmu: When she finds her body, she will have to through me to get to Onuwa. You know that right?

Moka nods and replies: I know. I hope you win against her when that happens. 

Kurumu nods. She says: You know I will. I haven't been slacking off as some would assume. 

Moka: That is wonderful to hear. Oh no.

Kurumu: What is it? 

Moka held a letter and said to Kurumu: A letter stating that my end is near. 


Mizore: Okay. This is my side. And that is your side. 

Yukari: Fair enough. Stupid headmaster. Not letting us share a dorm with Onuwa. 

Mizore: It is for the best. Besides, it would have ended badly anyways. 

Yukari: I guess so. Hey Mizore, do you wonder about what new adventures will be awaiting for us?

Mizore: No. Besides, there is no need to wonder. Given the road we each came on, the new road we will all go on together is going to be insane. And I look forward to it honestly.  Especially now that I have my friends. 

Yukari: Yeah. Me too Mizore. Me too. 

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