Finding Another Club

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Onuwa: Kurumu it's not like I do not like newspaper club, I just want to see what other clubs have to offer. 

Kurumu, clinging close to Onuwa, replied: Are you sure? Do you think you can handle two clubs?

Onuwa: I can never say no to trying. That is what makes challenges fun.

Yukari, riding on top of Onuwa's shoulders, asked Onuwa: So you are not trying to get away from us?

Onuwa: Are you kidding me right now? I would not be where I am at right now if it was not for you guys. You. Yukari. Tsu. Moka. You guy are like my family. 

That rewarded him with cuddles from the girls.


?: Come join our ghost hunting club!

Kurumu and Yukari: Scary!~

Onuwa: Wow, a ghost hunting club!

?: Come join the mummy club!

Kurumu and Yukari: Save us Onuwa!~

Onuwa: Mummy Club?!

?: Come join our Zombie Club!~

Kurumu and Yukari: Zombies?!

Onuwa: Like in the movies?!

?: You seem like a smart man, come join our chemistry club! There you will learn how to make love potions!~

Onuwa: I have seen enough movies to know how that ends. Hmm. So many clubs to choose from. So little time. 

Kurumu: Are you not afraid of these clubs? They are so scary!

Yukari: Yeah!

Onuwa: Not really. Question, how come you girls are not with Tsukune and Moka. They are looking for more members for their news paper club. Maybe you girls can help them out with that.

Yukari and Kurumu: And leave you at the mercy of another girl?! Forget it!

Onuwa: Kurumu and Yukari. I maybe 13 years old. But I am not girl crazy. Unless its you Kurumu.

Kurumu blushed. Giggling she replied: Oh Onuwa. 

Yukari: What about me?!

Kurumu: What about you?! He has a girlfriend and it's me!

Yukari: You wanna bet!

Yukari and Kurumu glared at each other. 

Onuwa sighed. He said: Listen, I will be fine. If a girl tries to talk to me, I will yell 'I need an adult' When I yell that, that means I am in serious trouble and can use your assistance. Deal?

Yukari and Kurumu: You promise? That will be the signal?

Onuwa nodded. He replied: I promise that will be the signal.

Yukari and Kurumu: Oh alright. But you promised! So do not forget!

Onuwa: Cross my heart I will not forget.


Onuwa: Now that the girls are helping Moka and Tsu I can finally look around and see what other clubs this school has to offer. Lemme see. There was first ghost hunting club. That mummy club. And lastly that Chemist club. I wish there was something that had fighting in it. Hmm. Maybe something that deals with repetition. Like....

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