Sibling Rivalry/Moka Vs Kokoa/Onuwa Vs Kokoa

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Onuwa: Alright, just to make this clear, I will fight you in Moka's place. So do not disappoint me.

Kokoa: Sure thing. It would be benefiting if I fought Tsukune, my older sister's boyfriend.

Onuwa: He would say the same if he wasn't busy with clean up duty. The same can be said for Moka too. You sure made a mess with your dynamic  entrance. 

Kokoa: What can I say? Entries matter before you display good ol'fashion kester kicking.

Not even a week in and already something was happening. Moka's half sister, Kokoa, found her sister and challenged her to one last match. Not with her inner self but with her outer self. Now her outer self was not a fight as her inner self. This resulted in a chase and a mess that Tsukune and Moka had to clean up. They were not the only ones. Rubi, Kurumu, Mizore and Yukari, were stuck with clean up duty too. That left Onuwa challenging this small child. Even though she was 6'3. 

Onuwa: Are you ready?

Kokoa: Yeah! Lets rumble big guy!


These were the new teachers for New Yokai High School for the 2nd year roster:

Ayumi/ Combat Teacher

Naomi/ sewing teacher

Dexter/ Robotics Teacher

Yognami/ Archery Teacher

Rumiko Nagome/ Advance Math Teacher

Noku/ Poetry Teacher

These and more were the teachers for the second year students. Now, what was there to say about Kokoa, she was the younger hybrid sibling of Moka. She tried to challenge her sister but each time she tried, her inner self would take over. Kokoa wanted to face Moka in her outer form. Mostly because that was her original form and that was the weakest form. Nevertheless, because of her actions, Onuwa had to step up and entertain this young girl. As far as brute strength goes, they were even. As far as Cunning tactics goes, they were even. But this was because Kokoa wanted it to be. And they were warming up. When the warm up ceased, that was when Kokoa got serious. She herself had a inner form. And when she transformed, that was when Onuwa felt the brutality that was brought upon Kokoa from Moka's inner self. 

Nevertheless, Onuwa did not train for nothing. He mastered the form he called, Immortal flame. Immortal flame was a technique, the powers from this technique enhanced all of Onuwa's original skills. It was how he stood tooth and nail against Kokoa. Despite this, they were still on even grounds. It was incredible. Onuwa faced many opponents in his life. But the younger hybrid sister of Moka took the case. Spamming out techniques and power moves that Onuwa had never seen before. Nevertheless, they were still on even grounds.    



Their fist connected to another's cheek. Their feet skidded them away from another. Onuwa, huffing, smiled: You know I have trained for an entire year, and I never thought I would encounter someone as strong as you. No surpise since you are Moka's sister. 

Kokoa smirked: Glad you took notice! By the way, I heard from Moka that you're 13 years old. Is that true?

Onuwa: Huh? Oh yes. I am 13 now. I was 12 when I started.

Kokoa: How are you so tall?! You are like a giant!

Onuwa laughed: I get that a lot. I come from an ancient human race called the oviyans. Long story short they were known for their tall statures. 

Kokoa: I see! Hey! Do you think we can do this sometime?!

Onuwa: Hmm? Spar? Of course we can! I did spar with your sister's inner self you know! So it is no surprise that the apple does not fall far from a tree. 

Kokoa: Sweet! I cannot wait! Oh...Can I ask you something?

Onuwa: Sure.

Kokoa blushed: Um...Do you have a....girlfriend?

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