The Girl Who Could Wield Ice

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Moka: Come one come all! Read all about future events in our Yokai High School Newspaper!

Tsukune: It holds important details so you won't miss a thing!

Kurumu and Yukari: And that's not all, it holds a manga sections and manga tutorials!

Onuwa: So if you are interested in news around the school or outside the school, if you are interested in Manga, then please step right up and get your Yokai High News Paper free of charge!

?: I would like a news paper.

Onuwa: Here you are fair maiden!

The girl giggled. It was the next day at Yokai High. And Onuwa did not know it, but he was talking to a girl who could control the ice element. Her name? Mizore Shirayuki. What was there to say about her, she was a bit of an ominous odd ball. She would skip school due to reasons, she was anti social, and secretly she did not feel that she did not belong. But when word got out that there was a student who willing registered to come to a school where he did not belong, well, she just had to meet this person for herself. That was why she was here. And she was not disappointed.  Mizore took the news paper and read through it. She said to Onuwa: Interesting.  But not as interesting as you are. You must be Onuwa, right?

Onuwa: Yeah. That's me. You are a student here at Yokai Academy right?

Mizore: I am. You must be asking me that in regards to why I do not wear my uniform. Correct?

Onuwa: Yes.

Mizore cocked a brow and smiled and replied: It just doesn't fit me is all. You are pretty tall too. 8'5?

Onuwa: Yes. Cool how did you know that? 

Mizore: Mental Mathematics. My name is Mizore Shirayuki. You will remember that name correct?

Onuwa: Yeah. The first name is easy to remember. The last name is a bit difficult. But I love a challenge. 

Mizore: You do? Well, I might whip up one of those for you if you do not mind.

Onuwa: Really? Of course not. I look forward to it actually-

Kurumu watched this purple haired girl talk to Onuwa. And from Kurumu's perspective, she was too comfortable around him. She slipped beside him and asked Onuwa: Do you know this girl?

Onuwa: Huh?

Kurumu: Do not play dumb. Do you know her or not? She got her news paper. Now she can go.

Onuwa: Kurumu. My apologizes. This is my girlfriend Kurumu.

Kurumu: You hear that? Now get lost. 

Onuwa: Kurumu!

Mizore did not like this Kurumu. She replied: It is fine Onuwa. I will leave because I do not want to kill her. And believe me "Kurumu" If I want Onuwa, I have no problem taking him from you. 

Kurumu growled, her grip on Onuwa tighten, She replied with: Over my dead body!

Mizore smiled: Try not to say that. That is what tempts inner beast to come into the light. It was nice talking to you Onuwa. I will see you around.

Kurumu: No you will not!


Kurumu: The nerve of that girl. She tried to steal you in front of me! And you were going to let her weren't you?!

Onuwa: Hmm? No. She was being friendly. From her end of the stick she looks very out of place. I don't think she has any friends here either. Which was why she was so comfortable talking with me. I think she trusts me.

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