Onuwa Vs Moka

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Onuwa: Remember I want you not to hold back. Bring everything you have. 

Moka: Are you sure you can handle it?

Onuwa smiled. Finishing his stretching he said: Yes. I can handle it.

Moka: Very well. 

Moka wore a cross that held her inner self. The moment she snapped it off, a transformation took place. Changing the entire atmosphere. When her transformation was complete, her inner self took over her body. Moka's inner self was the polar opposite of Moka's persona. Moka was kind and gentle. She was also a Vampire. Nevertheless, when her other half was summoned, she was proven to be the strongest creature in the monster world. 

Inner Moka eyed Onuwa: So...I was summoned because you want a fight is that correct? 

Onuwa blinked and then nodded: Yes. Whoa. I am impressive. Your power shot through the roof. I'm getting excited Moka. That is your name correct?

Inner Moka: Sure. You can say that. Now after I beat you, I want you gone from Monster world. Gone from Yokai High. Is that crystal clear?

Onuwa: Very. Lets do this.



Everyone felt this maddening earthquake. It shook the school to its core. Many of the monsters were wondering what was going on. It was not until they saw Onuwa one shot to the ground that they realize he challenged Moka Akashiya.  Everyone huddled outside to see the fight. Tsukune happened to be dragged against his will. 


Onuwa: Cool. You are as strong as I am. 

Inner Moka: Eh? You should not be able to talk. Let alone...Move?

Onuwa got to his feet, his smile turned to a grin: You see why I wanna stay here?! I would never get the chance to have fights like these! What else you got?! come on! Do not be shy!

Inner Moka: You are nuts! 

Onuwa: So you want me to go first? Okay then. Have your guard up. Because here I come!

The students eyed thin air. That was all they saw. Their ears on the other hand? Heard the blocked blows from Onuwa's attacks on Moka. 

'Hey...Is that the same girl from class earlier?' Tsukune thought. 'It looks like her, but I am not so sure-' He stopped in his thoughts when a damaged Inner Moka created a crater from crashing really hard to the ground. Onuwa appeared by inches from the crater. 

Onuwa said: Wow. I never expected someone as strong as you before. You are truly incredible. Seeing that you are beaten, that means I get to stay right?

Tsukune, appearing in front of the crater Inner Moka was in, said: That's enough! Don't hurt her anymore!

Onuwa cocked a brow: Huh? What are you talking about?

Tuskune did not why he was doing this, but his body just moved on its own. He replied: You know what I am talking about you big giant! Leave her alone! She will not go on a stretcher today! And if you try to do that, I'll stop you!

Onuwa blinked. Then he laughed.

Tsukune: What is so funny?!

Onuwa: Oh wow. Some people just can not take a joke.

Tsukune: Huh? 

Onuwa: I had no intentions of putting anyone on a stretcher. I just like to say that because it sounds cool. 

Tsukune: So you were not going to hurt her?

Onuwa: Of course not. After all I gave the offer for anyone to challenge me if they did not want me here. Moka, I believe that is her name, wanted to be the first. And she did not want to fight me. But I insisted because I wanted to see where she stood against me. And boy was I not disappointed. But I suppose she was not trying hard enough. I was going to help her out of the crater If I can be honest. But it seems you want to do that yourself. So by all means. 

Tsukune was confused: Wait-wha?

Onuwa: That was the reason you came to her rescue right?


Onuwa grinned again: I thought so. Anyways, I better get going. I will see you all tomorrow. And the offer is still open to challenge me!

When Onuwa left, one monster student commented: He cannot be human. 


Onuwa's Next Opponent/ Tuma

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