A Human In The Monster World?

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Onuwa: Hi everyone. My name is Onuwa Oviyan. And yes, as your teacher said, I am the first human to attend this High school. It sound disgusting does it not? Good. If anyone here has a problem then by all means, see me outside after school. I do not care about what anyone here assumes or thinks. I came here because I want to be myself. I cannot do that in the human world, where simple human strength would make you a freak. So this is why I am here. Other than that, Do not mess with me, I will not mess you. Mess with me and I will put you in a stretcher. 

Yokai high school was a high school for monsters. Because of the rules in place at Yokai high school, monsters of all kinds-shapes-and sizes must retain their human form. However, the rule was about to be mended because of this 13 year old freshman. Who was a human no less. How did a human find a way into the monster world was beyond their thinking abilities. And he was not the only one. Apparently there was another human there too. Tsukune Aono. A 17 year old Japanese boy with the height of Mamoru from Sailor Moon. Tsukune was not all that smart. So he was not aware that this was a monster school until he heard it from Onuwa's mouth. His parents never really bothered to do their research on schools, because the schools in the human world wanted nothing to do with him. For unknown reasons. Nevertheless, here he was. Here was Onuwa. And here was a bunch of students that wanted a piece of this Amber red skinned boy.

The Teacher was a Cat Girl. Nekonome was her name. She introduce Onuwa. And was highly impressed with his boldness. Despite he may not be liked by the monsters. She wondered if he was a monster too. If you were her looking at this 8 foot 5 13 year old kid, you would think that too. Nekonome knew there was something off about this child. But she dismissed it and kindly, over affectionately, welcomed Onuwa to the classroom. Onuwa bowed. He intended to sit in the middle row. But a guy stood in his way. Tuma was his name.

Tuma said: Do you think you are good to sit in the middle row...Human filth?

Onuwa chuckled and replied: Of course I do. But if it bothers you so much, I will sit in the back. Besides, I don't want to people like you on stretchers yet. It would ruin the fun.

Tuma: You hairless ape. 

Onuwa: I am what I am. Have fun boiling in your hate, as I sit in the back of the class. Excuse me.

Tuma watched Onuwa. When he sat down, he pulled out his notebook and took notes on Nekonome's lesson on the board.  Onuwa sat behind Tsukune. Onuwa knew right away that Tsukune was human. But it seemed his enrollment here was a big accident. Nevertheless, Tsukune found himself fonding over this pink haired girl that was in the same class. The problem was, her eyes focused on Onuwa. That did not stop Tsukune glancing over at her from time to time. 


?: Excuse me?

Onuwa, now in the hallway after class, turned around. He asked the girl with pink hair: Yes? What is it?

?: You are a human. Humans are not allowed to attend this school. I must ask you to leave and return to your world. 

Onuwa: Oh? Tell me, what is your name?

?: Moka. Moka Akashiya.

Onuwa gave a gentle smile. He said: Moka. In the human world it is spelled differently and is a coffee. Listen Moka, I understand that I am testing my boundaries. That is the purpose of my existence. To test those boundaries made by your kind. Where I come from, I cannot be a free as I can be here. 

Moka: Be that as it may, you are enraging the other monsters. 

Onuwa: I care not for them. They are not me. They can never fill my shoes. I desire freedom to be myself. Where I do not have to wear a mask or conceal my abilities. If you want to be the first to use force to get me to leave, you are welcome to try. 

Moka: I wish not to fight you.

Onuwa chuckled.

Moka: Is it not funny. I can hurt you. I can hurt you really bad. You can't tell me you are looking forward to that.

Onuwa: I am actually. In fact, lets sweeten the pot. A spar ontop of the building. That is a rooftop right?

Moka: Yes. 

Onuwa: Good. Meet me up there. After school. Please? This is not a pride or ego thing. I wish to see what you are capable of. 

Moka: Very well. If you insist. 

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