The Truth Revealed/Onward To Year Two

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Onuwa: Out of my way please and thank you! Hyah! Nyah! Tyah! Aw geez...There is more of them. Great. It doesn't matter have to hold them off a little longer until The girls save Tsukune. Though I wished that Mizore was here with me. 

Mizore: Ask and I shall appear.

Onuwa: Mizore! Where are Kurumu and Yukari?

Mizore: With Moka and Tsukune. As we speak they are fighting against Kuyo. 

Onuwa: First the attack on the newspaper club and now this. This vendetta against humans is maddening at best and insane at worst. 

Mizore chuckled: At least this will give us sometime to ourselves. 

Onuwa: Let us focus on the task at hand. Please. Mizore.

Mizore: You are so cute when you're focused.

Onuwa snickered. The attack on the newspaper club was a distraction to reveal that Tsukune was a human. Another human who was not as strong or formidable as Onuwa. Tsukune was getting there. But for hybrids it took time for them to reach their peak. Nevertheless, Tsukune was on the roof with Inner Moka, Werewolf Ginei, and Kuyo. Kuyo was in his kistune form. 

As far as his origin of what made him evil or have a vendetta against humans was unknown

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As far as his origin of what made him evil or have a vendetta against humans was unknown. To Inner Moka and Werewolf Ginei, that didn't matter. He needed to be stopped. And as bad as things looked, Inner Moka really wanted Onuwa to be here. Kurumu and Yukari fought their best, but they were not a match for this monster. Tsukune was not strong enough yet. So that left her and Ginei. 

Kuyo said to Inner Moka: It does not matter if you are the strongest, you are the strongest as far as strength goes. But there is more to strength than you will ever comprehend Moka. It is such a shame that you will have to find that out the hard way. 

Inner Moka: Sit on a railroad spike would you? Ginei, can you still fight?

Ginei grunted in pain. He took the most damage to say the least. He nodded nonetheless and replied: I can. These are just scratches. 

Kuyo: Oh I do apologizes, allow me to turn your scratches into wounds!

Kuyo lunged towards Ginei and Inner Moka. Suddenly he crashed away from Inner Moka and Ginei. Landing beside them were Mizore in her ice form. And Onuwa. In this mysterious form. His hair was jet red. His eyes were red and black combined. His aura flamed outside of his body. 

Inner Moka: I thought I told you I was your opponent! I do not want you interfering in this fight! This is between us, as in Ginei and myself, and Kuyo!

Onuwa: I heard. Nevertheless I am here to help. You and Moka share the same body. Which means if she dies. You die. Cannot have that. You maybe a pain, but I can tolerate you. And I recall making a promise that your outer self and Tsukune would have a happy ending. I promise to make sure of that and I will not back down on my word. Are the others alright?

Ginei: They are. But they're holding on to the skins of their teeth. 

Onuwa: Well that sounds like they are alright. Mizore, I need you to take Ginei the girls and Tsukune to safety. I will take it from here. 

Inner Moka: Are you trying to die on me?!

Onuwa: I can tank him in this state. I don't have that much time to stay in this however. So in order for this one shot deal to work, I need no bystanders around. You all fought your hardest. But now it's my turn. Trust me. I will make it out alive. 

Mizore: Trust him. If he said he will make it out alive, then he will. All as prepared him for this moment. 

Inner Moka scoffed. Finally she said: Fine. But if you die on me, I will pay the netherworld a visit, drag your soul back to the monster world, place it back into your body and kill you myself. Is that clear?!

  Onuwa gave a thumbs up. He said to Inner Moka: I got it. Now go. Mizore, keep an eye on them for me okay?

Mizore: Sure. Be careful. 

Onuwa: I will. Thanks Mizore.


Kuyo: Augh...What just happened?

Onuwa: Welcome back. It is only us up here now. So you know what that means.

Kuyo:...You are another human are you? Then killing you will be just as easy.

Onuwa: I am afraid it will not be as easy as you think. I don't know what caused you to hate humans. I care not for it. You were willing to attack your own kind because they want to put aside the ways of old. They believe that there are good humans in the world. But people like you taint their young minds. That could have been me you did that too if I was in their shoes. 

Kuyo, stood on his feet and growled.

Onuwa: Growl all you want but we know who is the hypocrite around here....And that is you. So from me to you, this is the end of the line! TSUNADO DRAGON FIST!

Kuyo, charged to meet Onuwa's attack, but he stopped. He eyed the giant dragon that was before him. Kuyo: HUH?! WHERE IS THE HUMAN?! WHAT IS THIS?! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOO!

His pleas went unanswered. Onuwa's attack ripped through his abdomen. He appeared on the other side covered in Kuyo's blood. While Kuyo returned to his normal form and collapsed to the ground. Onuwa's cheering was cut short when he fell through the collapsing school.


Nekonome: ONUWA!

Rubi: OH NO!

Kurumu: NO!!!

Yukari: ONUWA!

The roster watched as the building fell on top of Onuwa, who they knew was still inside. They were outside and about a yard or more away from Yokai High School. Before anyone could start running, Onuwa appeared in front of them. He smiled and said: Hi everyone! Boy that was some fall. But at least I got to fight someone strong before the school collapsed right?!

Kurumu, Mizore, Yukari, and Rubi, raced to Onuwa. They tackled him to the ground and were happy to see that he made it out okay.  Tuma, who lend a hand against the security committee, crossed his arms and smiled that his rival had survived. Inner Moka watched. Her smile shown lightly as she was relieved that Onuwa had made it out on time.

Tsukune said to Inner Moka: You care about him. 

Inner Moka: I do.

Tsukune: But your outer self cares about me.  

Inner Moka: I know. 

Tsukune: Then it's settled.

Inner Moka: What is?

Tsukune: Moka and I will free your soul. That way your soul can find a body to posses so you can be happy with Onuwa too. 

Inner Moka: You would go that far for me? It is a given that Moka would because she knows herself how I feel for him. But you would help me too?

Tsukune smiled and nodded: Yeah. Besides, I like your outer self better.

Inner Moka growled and hit Tsukune over the head. She said: You just had to ruin the moment didn't you? To be honest I don't like you either. Your outer self has a spark for you not I. But I appreciate you helping her free me. So I can get my shot at winning Onuwa's heart. 

Tsukune got up, dusted himself off, and said: What are frienemies for?

Inner Moka smirk: You make an interesting point Tsukune. You make an interesting point.

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