Letters To The Human World

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Onuwa: Dear family; I hope all is well you you guys. I know it must be. Everything is fine here at Yokai High. The monsters are friendly. Some of them. I made friends. I have a girlfriend who is at constant war with a loli. But overall, everything is fine. I have been keeping up with my training  thanks to inner Moka, which is like her sister who shares the same body with Moka. She holds back no punches and she has been improving in hand to hand combat too. I think she likes me. Versus her outer half, who sees me as a brother if not a good friend. Which is cool to me. I see her with Tsu anyways. That is uh...Short for Tsukune. Huh. I got it right on paper. Anyways, Yokai High. Boy this school is amazing. It is just like a human school but not really. To be honest, I feel pretty normal here. There have been challenges for sure. But I was ready to meet them all so I can ensure my stay here in the monster world. I hope and pray that everything is well family. Take care of yourselves. I will see you all during summer break. Signed. Onuwa.  P.S. Keep Bobo away from my room. That dog is a enemy to my video games.  And done. Huh. Short and sweet and straight to the point. This school is helping me more than I realized. Good thing too. Alright, lets hope this works. Fold it up. Put in the envelope. And we are ready to mail.


Onuwa: I can ride a bike with no handlebars. No handle bars. No handlebars. I can ride my bike with no handle bars. No handle bars.  Hey Tsu, are you positive that this is going to work?

Tsukune: I am positive. Besides I'm sending my letters back to the human world too. I wouldn't be so sure of it if it wouldn't work. 

Onuwa: I suppose that is true.  I am just nervous is all. And not only that, but the idea of people finding out that you are a human could ruin your reputation. Not with me or the others. But with the monsters that hate you for stealing their Ponitiee. 

Tsukune: Ponitiee? What does that mean?

Onuwa: Oh. Um. It means Moka. She is going to be your girlfriend right?

Tsukune: I hope so. But what makes you think that Moka would be wanted by the other boys?

Onuwa: Her human form is hot. Her inner self is a beast no pun intended. The entire male roster has a massive hard on for her. And I noticed a few weebs make pictures and pillows of her. Oh and Kurumu too. Seeing she is also popular with the fellas. 

Tsukune: She broke that off for you right?

Onuwa: If she did then she did. I am not worried about what she does. I know she will make the right decision. Even though she will jack that up.

Tsukune: You sure have faith in her. 

Onuwa shrugged: She came to me. Obviously she saw something in me that haven't saw in myself-

?:Stop right there!

Onuwa and Tsukune were met by these three boys. They pointed their fingers and said as a unit: You three have gone too far! You have took our loves and for that you will be punished!

Onuwa:.....I believe these are the weebs that I was talking about. Look, what do you three want? And where is the rest of you guys? Planning some sort of secret attack?

?: We will be more than enough to defeat you two! But first Introductions are of order! My name is Kozo Kasahara! I am the leader of the fan club coalition. And  I am in love with Moka Akashiya!~

Onuwa: Kozo....Okay. What about you two?

?:  Kubisaku Nagai. I am the club's photographer. I am in love with Yukari Sendou!~

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