Onuwa/The Loli/ The Lizards/ The Vampire

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Moka: So my inner self and you will begin the training session this week Onuwa? 

Onuwa: Yes. That is the goal. In actuality I wanted to start your training sooner, but as you can see, I am going to be pretty occupied with keeping Kurumu company.

Kurumu: Mmmm~This feels so good~

Tsukune: Why is she doing that to your chest?

Kurumu: It's a succubus thing. You wouldn't understand. 

Tsukune: You are right about that. So Onuwa, are you enjoying News paper club?

Onuwa: Oh yes. I am. It is pretty cool how we get to make papers for the school and hand them out so others can read. And it seems they love the Tuma vs Onuwa story. However there are some exaggerations. Nevertheless, monsters apparently love drama as much as humans do.

Kurumu: Mmm~That reminds me of something~ How are you so strong~

Onuwa: Oh that? My grandparents are from an ancient human race that ages every 30 years. They are called Oviyans. That is what I am.

Moka: And that is also your last name.

Onuwa: Bingo. By the way Tsukune, you need to set boundaries when it comes to the blood sucking thing.

Tsukune: It's fine really.

Onuwa: Okay. Do not come crying to me when Moka turns you into a bag of bones. 

Moka: I would never do that! Besides, his blood is so sweet and Juicy. I cannot help myself.

Onuwa: bleh-bleh-bleh.

Moka: I do not say Bleh-Bleh-Bleh.

Onuwa: Funny and here I assumed that all vampires say that.  

Everyone laughed as it was another day at Yokai High School. So far, Everyone were on good terms. Onuwa got a over affectionate girlfriend. Tsukune and Moka were getting there. Their bashfulness was what kept their sparkling romance so adorable. Tuma had recovered and was back in school. He saw Onuwa as a rival and somewhat a friend. All in all, everything was fine. 


Onuwa: Huh, I did good on the exam. Looks like you could use some work there Tsukune. You mind if I call you Tsu. It's shorter.

Tsukune, on the verge of tears, replied: Sure. I don't mind. I can't believe I barely made it.

Onuwa placed his hands on his hips: You can never go wrong with the basics. That is what they say in the human world. Moka, it seems there is a reason why you're popular with the roster. Straight 100. Impressive.

Kurumu: I can be impressive and smart too when I wanna be!

Onuwa: Don't be jealous. I'm with you remember?

Kurumu blushed: Right. How silly of me.

Onuwa grinned: It happens. As long as it isn't a running gag-

?: You little brat! You'll pay for that!

Onuwa: Hmm?

Yukari Sendou. The Loli. The "Witchling" As she was called in the monster world. She was what some called neither human nor monster. But because she was more human, that made her a target for the monsters in disguise. She could defend herself through pranks, so she wasn't weak. Her magic did have its limitations however and sometimes her pranks were not planned all the way through. Today, she was confronted by the lizardmen, led by their president of some club named, Tadashi Wanibuchi. She used her pranks to fight them. That was a bad move. And when Tadashi tried to strike-

Onuwa: Hello there. 

Tadashi's claws scratched Onuwa's face. Yet it left no markings or blood wounds. He backed away and said: Its. Its. Its you. The freak of nature. 

Onuwa: My name is Onuwa. Onuwa Oviyan. Nice to meet to you.

Tadashi glared at Yukari. He said to her: We didn't know you were friends with this beast! We'll be on our way! Onuwa! You better keep her away from us! We will tolerate you! But we will not tolerate that little witch!

Onuwa nodded. He replied: Leave it to me.

When they walked away, Yukari clunged to Onuwa. He looked around for the small child. Only to find her clinging to him. She said: My hero! You saved me!



Onuwa: So you are a "Witchling"? What in the world is that?

Moka: It is a witch that is a child. Hence the term Witchling.

Onuwa: Ah...I see. You sure know your stuff Moka. Hey Tsu, maybe you and her should do some studying together. It'll really rub off on your grades. 

Moka and Tsukune turned from another. Blushing. 

Yukari: I have always been teased and ridicule because I look human. It got so bad that I had to rely on my pranks to defend myself. I made no friends and I am always alone. Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me. 

Onuwa: I don't hate you. And I am more human than you are. Surely you had to have seen the times I got the tar beaten out of me for being here. 

Yukari: But you won those fights between Moka and Tuma and Kurumu right?

Onuwa: That did not mean that it did not hurt. It hurt. Especially Moka's inner self. That girl's a monster no pun intended.

Inner Moka: You better believe it big boy. 

Onuwa: Nevertheless, you are not alone. You have friends. They're right here. We are your friends.

Tsukune and Kurumu: We are?

Onuwa: Sure we are. I mean you two heard the poor girl, she has no friends. And that's what she needs to develop into the most courageous and baddest witch on the planet. Don't worry Yukari, you have friends in us. You have my word.

Yukari blinked, her stoic expression turned into a happy one. She said: Really? You mean it?

Onuwa grinned: Of course I do!

Yukari embraced Onuwa. Snuggling into his chest. Kurumu growled and tried to pry this girl off of her boyfriend. Moka and Tsukune watched the bickering friends that they had now made. They eyed one another and laughed. Apparently these new friends were going to take some getting used to. 

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