MUI MaleReader X Fem Merged Zamasu!!

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3rd Person POV

You are A Saiyan Named Son Y/n and you are A Young Saiyan with Beyond amazing Potential that had allowed you to have the power to surpass the Gods and even the Angels as you had mastered Master Ultra Instinct to the Point it made The Angels of universe 1-12 Green with envy and he can do way More than that!

You worked in the time Patrol for The Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa and you were sent into A Timeline where you forced To battle A Rogue Kai named Zamasu who had successfully wiped out all life on earth! The Problem?

"She" was A Woman named Zamasa and she was Far more powerful and Prepared than Zamasu ever could be!

You were standing there in Your Suppressed MUI Form with your Gi Torn and Soot covering your torso and face as you watched Zamasa become Corrupted as she lost her shit over her Loss of Beauty but TBH You didn't mind!

Zamasa: "NO!!! MY BEAUTY!! MY GODDESS-LIKE BEAUTY IS GONE!! This is all You're Fault!!!"

Y/n: "And How is it My Fault!?"

Zamasa: "I have been corrupted thanks to you!!!"

Y/n: "And How is that my fault!?"

Zamasa: "Um... I don't know... Er, FUCK YOU NINGEN!"

Y/n "Real Classy for A God."

Zamasa then Fired Several Pink energy blasts at you and You easily dodged them all and then Used his Kai-Kai technique to get behind her before swinging her leg at the side Purple gooey side of her face sending her flying to the ground smashing through several Buildings along the way!

Y/n: "Super Galick Kame-Hame-HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

He fired A Gigantic Blast of white Angel Ki at her that could destroy multiple Planets and it hit her head on creating A Blast creating shockwaves that shook the fabric of the Universe itself! Even though that can Possibly kill Her he was still on his Guard knowing better than that!

Just then In the Middle of the Continent sized Crater there was A Massive Dark Pink Glow as she was revealed to go Super Saiyan Rosade 1!!!

Y/n: "So you can go SSJ After all? You were Holding back?"

Zamasa: "Of course Ningen! You are such A Fool! Of I was Holding back but I can do A lot more as well!"

Y/n: "What do you mean by that?"

Zamasu: "Nothing! I don't have time to waste on Ningen's like you!" 'Then I can make him Mine~ Hehehehehe~!'

Y/n: "I'd better not suppress my Ultra instinct any longer! I can't afford to risk her beating me! The Multiverse seems to depend on this!'


He then released his Power and the Earth nearly shattered at the core as entire Planets from across the Galaxy were pushed back by his Power and he smirked at Zamasa!

Y/n: "You still wanna fight Zamasa?"

Zamasa: "Of course! I'm as ready as ever Ningen!"

They both flew at each other and Punched each other in the face Creating shockwaves that shook the Universe and they both began fighting at top speed that to the ungodly eyes just looks like Random Shockwaves but they were Punches thrown at each other!

Zamasa then fell to the ground and Unleashed A Pink Kamehameha wave at Y/n but he Just created An Ki shield that Blocked the attack with Great Difficulty and he then Unleashed the shield as A Series of Ki Bullets that destroyed the city around them and Zamasa had trouble dodging them all!

Male Reader X Female One-Shots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now