HellHound Male Reader X Loona!!

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A/N: Requested by Math4523 with Some help by DarkLord_Man!

A/N: N/N= NickName M/N= Mother'sName M/CN= Male Coworkers name F/CN= Fem Coworkers Name

3rd Person POV

You are Y/N L/N and you are A Hellhound who works At A Company called SIMP (The Superior immediate murder Professionals) who is are Rivals with IMP (The Immediate Murder Professionals)! His Mother M/N was A Tall, Slender, Somewhat Horny Imp who is pretty much the worst person Imaginable but she has A Good heart since she adopted him when he was 17!

He Also has Two Coworkers named M/CN Who was Raised in the Wrath ring and was clearly A Country Boy in every sense of the word, and F/CN Who is A Feminine, Bow tie-wearing Little Missy whose often the brunt of everyone's Jokes!

He was Currently at the Front Desk Manning the Phone when he Received A Call and he Immeadilty picked it up while reading An issue of "Leather Wear Weekly"!

Y/N: "Hello this is SIMP Don't snicker at the name Please. Oh, It's You, Yeah Huh? Right now? Well if you say so."

He then hangs up the phone, getting up, and putting his leather jacket on while grabbing his Phone calling out to His Adoptive Mother/Boss!

Y/N: "M/N! I'm going out! Don't wait up!"

M/N: "N/N, Where is my Little pup is going this time?"

Y/N: "Ugh! It's Nothing Mo- I-I mean M/N! I'm just going to see A Friend! Thank you!"

M/N: "Okay Bye Sweetie!"

He then left closing the door behind him as M/CN Spoke up!

M/CN: "So Who do you think he's seeing?"

M/N: "Huh? What do you mean?"

M/CN: "It's Obvious he's seeing someone! Every guy acts like that when they're seeing A Girl!"

F/CN: "M/CN That's Ridiculous! He's like A Meth addicted Homeless person M/N Lets man the Phone! Who would want to date him!"

M/N Then Pulls out A Six Shooter as she Grinned evilly!

M/N: "Let's kill this girl!"

They then followed his Trail down the Hallway when they meet their Competition of IMP Who was following A Symmetrical Trail!

Blitzo: "Huh!? Bitch what are you doing here?! Here to steal another Job from ys you Money Grubbing Whore!?"

M/N: "Fuck You, you Chick Dumping, Horse Loving, Infemminate Bastard! What are you doing here!?"

Blitzo: "If you wanted to know My Little Loonie Just made A Call and she walked out here!"

M/N: "Wait... My Little N/N received A Call and walked out here..."

Moxxie: "Wait... can't that Possibly Mean...?"

They then heard the sound of Kissing from the Broom closet next to them and they slightly open it Ajar to see Y/N And Loona Making out with their Tops off and She was about tor remove his Pants when they all yelled!


Y/N/Loona: "What the!? What the Fuck M/N/Blitzo!?"

One-Shot End!

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