From The Human World To The Monster World

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When I was a little boy, I visited my grandparents in Japan. My mother married a man who became my father. He is Hispanic/African American. So he says. His skin color says other wise. Anyways, my grandparents took me out to play at the park. That was when I saw it. A mysterious tunnel. Now mind you my grandparents are human. Yet they have been around since the 15th century. Crazy. They must be Vampires? 





See a long time ago, there were ancient humans called the Oviyans. The Oviyans were superhumans that aged every century. Should a human become an Oviyan he/she would become a Oviyan hybrid. Yes, I believe that is what happened to my father. Because he says he's human, but he is as strong as my mother and my grandparents. He can fly and so on. Can I fly? If I wanted to. The truth is I can't. I have the smallville Clark Dilemma. I can run as fast as the flash. But flying? Nope. I want to learn however. But I can't learn how to fly here. Nor can I use my powers. I have to hide them. And for a guy like me, 13 years old, who wants to use my powers without hiding my identity, I needed a change. 

That was when I remembered that mysterious tunnel from long ago. Where did it lead? y grandmother says that it leads to a mysterious world. Where monsters live. Or as Japan calls them, Yokais. It sounded funny at first. But then as I got older, I realized this was key to not hiding who I am. I decided to give it a shot. So I told my parents about it, they told me to be careful, my grandparents said the same thing, and with a pack bag of all the supplies  I could think of and solid quick prayer I sped as fast as I could to the other side of the tunnel.

I arrived on the other side. And whoa....."This is so Cool....."


Character Bio:

Name/Onuwa Oviyan

Age/13 years old




Body-type/Slim Fit

Skin Color/Amber Red

Hair Color/ Blonde/Silver 

Eye Color/ Emerald Hazel

Attire/ Baggy Jeans/Hoodie/Sneakers/Cross/ Left Wrist band

Hair style/ Shaggy locks


Addtional Cast:

Onuwa's First Opponent/ Moka Akashiya

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Onuwa's First Opponent/ Moka Akashiya

Onuwa's First Opponent/ Moka Akashiya

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Rosario To Vampire: Heart Of A MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now