Chapter 4 | bleachers

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Walking under the bleachers, there was no one there, "either I'm getting pranked or kidnapped" feeling a tap on my shoulder, I quickly turn around and stand back. "Oh god jean! You scared me don't do that," I said hitting his shoulder.

"Sorry I just wanted to talk".

Why! Didn't I tell you never to talk to me?

"Do you actually hate me"

This again? Why do you care if I do or not it's not like it will change anything your still gonna be the same douchebag that betrayed his friends for another douchebag Like really come on you punched Connie. do you know how bad that hurt him?


No, jean let me talk, I don't know what made you wake up one day and say to yourself that we just weren't enough anymore but it hurt all of us. seeing you walk down the halls not even looking at us ignoring our texts and calls. missing Connie's birthday!

The one thing he wanted was for you to show up. but instead, you were partying with Eren and the rest of his dumb friends. 

"I loved you and you just never noticed it, the small things I've done for you the words I said. the number of times I tried confessing my love, you were just so clueless, being with you hurt me, so I had to leave. and you were always gonna be around Sasha and Connie so I had no choice, and it wasn't gonna be forever just until I got over you. But I just stood like this".

So this is my fault? you hurt Sasha and Connie because of me.

"That's not at all what I'm saying".

No, That's exactly what you're saying. I don't even know what to say to you right now do I say sorry? do I cuss you? All I know is, apologize to Connie and Sasha, I don't need one they do. I'm gonna go now.

"Wait y/n you didn't tell me if you hated me or not".

"No jean I don't hate you". That was the last thing I said before walking off, I never turned around to look back at jean. I felt so guilty to face him, to even face Sasha and Connie as well. It's all my fault. Why was I so clueless. Did he ever show me hints that he loved me? 

A memory came to me. It was the night of the Halloween school dance. jean was dressed as a vampire and I had on a fairy costume. Me and jean was sitting down at a table watching everyone dance. someone sneaked alcohol in so jean was a little tipsy.

"Halloween is the only day you can be someone who your not, when it's the person you wanna be". Jean said to me

So you wanna be a vampire? I said giggling.

No, that's not at all what I wanna be. He said with a smile.

So tell me what is it you wanna be count Dracula

"The person your in love with".

That's impossible because I'm not in love with anyone.

The memory faded when tears started falling down my face. God y/n you're so fucking stupid! He straight out told you. Ugh, fuck me.

"Glady" I heard a voice to the side of me.

Yup, no one other than the green-eyed freak, Eren Yeager.

"Leave me alone eren".

Not until you tell me why you wanna switch seats with me.

So you heard that?

"Yes, every last bit".

Good, now leave me alone.

That didn't answer me what was it jean called you? KitKat. Ah yes. But let's change it to kitty matches you more.

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