My second day went even better, Zoe talked to me a little and I got my first share of the tip jar which I stupidly spent on a coffee when work finished.

"Really? Where?" She asks.

"The coffee shop on campus. It's good pay and my work colleagues are pretty nice."

"I'm proud of you, monkey." She says, and I groan at the childhood nickname. As a little girl I'm pretty sure she just thought of an animal with the same first initial as mine and ran with it.

"I also might have a crush on a guy." I visibly cringe at my words and she stares at me in shock. "I know!"

"Who?" She chuckles in disbelief.

"He's called Caleb. We met the first week here and now- ugh, I don't know what to do. I don't like relationships, I never have. I like being single. And it's literally the last thing I need right now but he's so cute and I like being with him, I can finally act myself around someone." I admit the feelings I've been in denial with since I fell on my knees in front of him.

"Did you fuck him?" She asks and I choke on a laugh.

"What?" I reply innocently.

"Oh, my god." She gasps and I sigh in defeat. There's no point even trying to play my sister, she knows me too well. "You're not a virgin anymore! This is ground breaking."

"I wouldn't go that far."

"Why? Was it bad?" She asks and I shake my head quickly.

"No, it wasn't bad." I smile to myself, remembering every moment from that night and she groans in disgust, snapping me out of my mini daze. "What? You asked!"

"I didn't ask for you to replay the memory in your mind." She says.

"Oh, shut up. And how does this help me? I'm fucking a guy who I really like but don't want a relationship with."

"Do you want to keep seeing him?" She asks.

"Yes, I really do." I answer. I feel like my whole college experience would be boring without him, he's already give me so much excitement and I can't see myself getting that anywhere else.

"And do you want to spend time with him? Like go out on dates? Visit the zoo or eat sushi?" She asks.

"Yes?" I hesitate for a second but then I imagine seeing Caleb with his favorite animal, a giraffe which would possibly cause me to die from cuteness. "What are you getting at here?"

"I think you're fooling yourself, of course you want a relationship." She chuckles and I frown.

"How? I literally hate everything about relationships."

"Every relationship you've been in have included fictional characters from movies and tv shows. Just live in reality for a bit." She says and my heart stings knowing she's right. "I'm pretty sure you'll know what you want pretty soon, I mean you said you're still seeing him, is that true?"

"Yeah, he stayed here on Tuesday and took me to work on Wednesday." I explain; Wednesday morning still haunting me.

"Well, that's good. At least he didn't leave you right after taking your virginity."

"About that... he doesn't exactly know." I say, treading carefully on this subject.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I haven't told him."

"Like at all?"

"No. I guess there hasn't been a right time." I explain, "And I know he's been with other girls without him saying so, so why does it matter if I don't?"

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