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Eden was watching television with her parents. Crowley had moved the telly in her room to keep Eden entertained. She and Crowley had been watching Doctor Who and the Golden Girls nonstop.

But tonight, they were watching Doctor Who, the Tenth Doctor to be specific. Eden's favorite of the twelve Doctors and her childhood hero....aside from her Daddy of course!

Eden saw something in the corner of her eye and when she turned, she saw Gabriel, standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, I just wanted to check on Eden before I went to bed." The Archangel said awkwardly, he actually had been captivated by Eden's smile and laugh. They must have been watching an episode where the Tenth Doctor was being particularly witty, and the Archangel couldn't help but stare.

"Would you like to join us Gabriel?" Aziraphale asked, pointing to the extra chair in the room, which was left in there just for him.

"Oh no, I'd hate to impose-" but Eden cut him off, "Yes Gabriel! Please join us, come sit next to me!" She pointed at an empty space next to the bed, just big enough for him to scoot a chair right next to the bed.

Gabriel couldn't comply fast enough.

The End  

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