Chapter 10

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"I'm putting her on the couch." Aziraphale said tightly. He knew that there wasn't time for a trek upstairs. He lay Eden down on the sofa and Crowley resumed applying pressure. Aziraphale stepped in, hoping that the added pressure would help, although he so desperately wanted to fetch a cold compress for Eden, who was still sick with fever.....

"Hold on Little One." Aziraphale rasped. "Please hold on...."

        "I'LL KILL YOU!" Gabriel roared as his swung a fist madly, trying to strike at the pompous little prude that had laughed as Eden lay dying in front of him....again....

Despite his short stature, Sandalphon had managed to take advantage of the Archangel's emotions and was able to dodge most of the blows....but not all. Sandalphon ran deep into Epping Forest, he had to find a clearing that was big enough for him to spread his wings for takeoff.

"Turn around and face me you coward!" Gabriel shrieked as he raced to catch Sandalphon, his vision clouded over with a red haze.

Gabriel got a whiff of the distinct scents of Uriel and Lilith. He would kill them to if he saw them...they must have had something to do with this as well....

Sandalphon ducked behind a thick tree trunk, gasping for air. He hated running. It was beneath angels, yet here he was.

What was worse, the Archangel hadn't seemed to break a sweat during the chase; Gabriel had always managed to stay in shape....curse him...

"Come and laugh in my face you piece of shit!" Gabriel spat, his voice cracking with emotion. "If she dies again I swear to Someone I'll...I'll...." The Archangel's voice faltered, choking on the words.

Sandalphon stifled a giggle, he couldn't help himself....

"You're going to regret that." a voice snarled. It was Archangel Gabriel. He had found him.

The next thing Sandalphon knew, the Archangel grabbed him by the throat and lifted him several inches off of the ground, shoving him against the thick tree trunk, hard. His bald head making a sickening thunk as it collided with the ancient wood.

Sandalphon's head spun with stars for a moment and when it cleared, his gaze was greeted by a pair of dark purple eyes, still ablaze with pain and rage.

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