Chapter 11

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At long last, Dr. Bella Pulsifer had arrived. The front door was left wide open and she dashed inside, where she was greeted by the horrible sight of her best friend bleeding with her beloved uncles desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

"Oh thank Someone you're here!" Aziraphale exclaimed when Bella dashed to the couch. Crowley immediately scooting out of her way to give the doctor the room she needed.

"What happened?" Bella demanded sharply. Aziraphale quickly explained and after a solemn nod, she said, "Okay, Aziraphale, you're going to have to stay strong for Eden and be my extra set of hands once we stop this bleeding. Understand?" The angel had been applying pressure the entire time and he gave a stiff nod. He would do anything to help Bella save Eden.

Bella then turned to Crowley. "Where's Gabriel?"

Crowley shrugged, "He took off into the woods, screaming like a banshee."

Bella felt a flash of concern. She knew how much Eden cared for him and she could tell from her last visit that the Archangel was not in a good place mentally.

"Well, once you've fetch me some towels and some clean blankets, you need to go find him. I would like for him to be here when Eden wakes up." Bella said as she reached for her medical bag.

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