Chapter 6

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Sandalphon, Uriel and Lilith had been watching expectantly, eager to watch Satan rip the Abomination to shreds; but it all went to Hell.....

Some sort of clear liquid was splashed onto the Great Beast's face and instantly, The Devourer of Worlds was a writhing, screaming mass of agony.

Lilith and Uriel fled right then and there. That liquid could only be one thing: Holy water. And Satan would be dissolved into ash within minutes....

They had truly lost.

Sandalphon was about to follow his associates but stopped when he heard the cries of the traitors, "EDEN!"

That's right, the Abomination had a name, he had forgotten it. Sandalphon hunkered down behind a bush and peered through the leaves, curious.

He watched as the Principality hurriedly kicked some dirt over the puddle of goo that had formed beside the black car. He sneered with contempt when the Demon Crowley reached the Principality's side.

Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting! An angel and a demon mating and even worse....procreating! Blasphemy!

He snapped out of his reverie when he heard the Principality swear loudly and a panicked gasp from the red haired demon.

Sandalphon grinned widely as he watched the traitors' remove the Abomination from the black vehicle. The foul creature's stomach bleeding profusely; her gown already soaked through. It seemed that Satan's discorporation wasn't a complete waste after all....

The best part was when the treacherous Archangel Gabriel dashed out of the droll little hovel, looking absolutely destroyed at the sight of his precious Abomination bleeding out in front of him.

Sandalphon's smile broadened as a snicker escaped. It was simply too glorious....

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