Chapter 25

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Eden's blue serpentine eyes blinked open. She let out a yawn and realized that the room was strangely silent. She lifted her head and saw that her fathers' were sound asleep, her Papa was sound asleep on a chair, a wing draped protectively over her Daddy and her, who was kneeling at the bedside also sound asleep, adding an extra layer of warmth.

She shifted but a flash of pain caused her to let out a moan, which woke her parents instantly.

"Love, don't move!" Crowley barked, while Aziraphale looked like he was about to faint.

"I was just trying to-"

"Whatever it is, we'll do it for you, Little One, just lie still."

"Get a drink?" She tried to reach for the glass on her bedside table, but it was just out of reach....

"You mustn't do that Eden!" Aziraphale scolded gently. "You could hurt yourself!" And break your stitches again, he and Crowley added silently.

"Where's Gabriel?"

"He fell asleep on our sleeping bag." Crowley replied, glancing over at the snoozing Archangel. "Poor guy's been up all night worrying about you, like us."

Eden couldn't help but blush. "Really?"

Crowley nodded, but then realized something. "You haven't coughed...."

"Give it time, I'm sure I will." Eden said a bit bitterly.

"I'm serious, you'd usually be coughing up a lung about now, and you're not shivering anymore." Crowley shot to his feet and grabbed the thermometer that Bella had left for them on Eden's dresser.

He stuck it under Eden's tongue and after a couple of minutes, he removed it and his smile lit up the room.

"WAHOO! Angel, her fever is gone! It's finally gone!"

"Oh Thank Someone!" Aziraphale exclaimed, tears of joy and relief falling from his eyes.

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