Chapter 23

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"How the bloody hell am I supposed to tell my little girl that she's going to spend her birthday in bed?" Crowley growled at his houseplants, who trembled in terror, the memory of several of their comrades being ripped to shreds right in front of them still fresh in their minds.

"Guess I'll just pop up and say, "Hey Queenie, how you feeling? Still bad, sorry about that, oh by the way, the doc says you can't leave your bed or you risk dying yet again! So your birthday is cancelled!"......It's not fucking fair!" Crowley kicked a flower pot, sending it and the plant inside of it flying.

"Satan you fucking fucker.....I hope your regeneration takes a million millennia's!"

"What was that?" Eden rasped after she finally got a respite from a very painful series of coughs.

"Probably a squirrel." Aziraphale said, thinking quickly, knowing full well that it was Crowley, taking it out on the houseplants again. He was just as devastated as Crowley. Not being able to throw their daughter a proper birthday celebration was almost too much to bear, but he knew that they could come up with an alternative. But right now, they needed to focus on caring for her and telling her what Bella had told them.

But the other issue was this fever. Should they tell her now, while she was still in such a terrible state? Or see if this fever would break? But even then her condition would still be precarious.....

Damn that flaming sword and whoever forged it! Aziraphale thought to himself.

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