Chapter 28

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"It's good to see that smile again." Gabriel murmured, giving Eden's good hand a gentle squeeze. Eden's spirits had been lifted ever since Crowley promised that he and Aziraphale would figure out a solution to the birthday dilemma.

"Aw stawp, you'll make me blush." Eden giggled, but then her voice became serious.

"Gabe, where did those scratches on your hands come from?" She had asked him several times, but he would always change the subject.

"It doesn't matter anymore Eden."

"Someone hurt you, so yes it does!" Those blue eyes stared at him, unwavering.

"Did Satan attack you too?"

"No." Gabriel replied, finally relenting. "I had a run in with Sandalphon."

Eden shuddered. "That's why I didn't want to tell you." Gabriel said, seeing how uncomfortable the name still made her.

"Was there a separate attack?" Eden whispered. If her other hand wasn't stuck in a splint, she would rub her other bruised wrist. She couldn't rub the other one on account that it was wrapped in several layers of bandages.

"I don't know." said Gabriel. "Eden, we shouldn't talk about this."

"I want to know Gabe."

Gabriel's voice cracked as he forced himself to continue. "I saw him hiding in the bushes, like the coward he was, laughing as you were bleeding out in front of me for the second time...."


"I-I don't remember much after that. I do remember that Crowley convinced me not to kill him....."

"He must have scratched you then." Eden concurred.

"Probably." Gabriel shrugged. "But it's over now, he's gone and if I ever see him again I'll kill him then." The Archangel muttered darkly under his breath.

"You're so cute when you're terrifying." Eden giggled, which made Gabriel blush.

"You really know how to kill a moment don't you?" Gabriel muttered with a lopsided smile.

"It's what I do best." Eden grinned, making the Archangel's heart melt.

"I know." 

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