Chapter 1

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Gabriel flinched at Eden's skin when he lifted her into his strong arms. She was as hot as fire and she was shivering uncontrollably. He held her as gently as possible, afraid that he would injure her further if he wasn't careful.

Aziraphale stepped forward and gently picked up her wings, taking extra care handling the one that was wrapped up like a mummy.

"Be careful!" Aziraphale said sharply as the Archangel and Principality made their way downstairs, where Crowley was waiting.

Crowley had went ahead and made the two backseats of the Bentley as comfortable as possible for his daughter. They would be risking Eden's health by fleeing to Alpha Centuari and even though Aziraphale would be sitting in the back with her, his stomach was still knotted with worry.

"I got the pillow and the blankets ready." Crowley said when the three of them reached the Bentley.

Once Gabriel and Aziraphale got Eden settled on her makeshift bed, the angel placed a hand on his daughter's sweating temple. "She's burning up, I'm going to get a fresh compress then I'll help you pack dear." He quickly slipped Eden's splinted arm into a sling.

"I'll go get her extra blankets first." Crowley said as he darted back into the cottage.

Aziraphale tucked the blankets around Eden's shaking shoulders and quickly dashed after his husband. They had to hurry....

Gabriel shot a worried glance over his shoulder at the Bentley, the door wide open so Eden could get some air, as he too rushed back into the cottage.

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