Chapter 19

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"Ow!" Gabriel exclaimed at the sudden sting of the warm water.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry! What's wrong?" Aziraphale nearly dropped the damp rag in surprise.

"I think I cut my hand..." Gabriel bit his lip as Aziraphale resumed wiping away the blood. "You got some pretty deep scratches on the top of your hands." The angel said sympathetically, he could tell that they were causing the Archangel a lot of pain.

"But not to worry, I know just what to do!" He tried to sound cheerful, but it came out rather lamely. He pointed to a set of clothes set off to the side. "There's a new set of clothes for you, or pajamas, I didn't know what you would prefer, so I miracled them both for you. Your current attire is ruined and I'm afraid and I don't have the energy to miracle them clean at this time."

Gabriel gave his thanks and watched as Aziraphale walked to the couch, giving the still unconscious Eden a kiss and doing the same to Crowley, who was sitting in a chair nearby, looking as if he hadn't slept at all.

"How is she?" Gabriel asked, the sight of Eden's slowly rising and falling chest should have reassured him, but it didn't.

"How do you think she's doing?" Crowley growled. "She still has a fever of 104 degrees, if she was a human, she would be dead by now and she's going to be spending her 25th birthday stuck in bed or on this fucking couch!"

Gabriel flinched. Not because of Crowley's tone but because of what had just been revealed. Eden's birthday was only two weeks away and she had been so excited about it. He had been so excited about it because it simply made her happy, the way that she made him feel happy....A feeling he never experienced until he met her....

He had seen how hard she was working to get strong enough to sit with them at the table and enjoy a meal. He had felt pride, yet another new emotion, an emotion that he enjoyed very much.

"Crowley! You don't have to be so aggressive; the poor boy has been through enough!" Aziraphale returned with a first aid kit and Bella. Crowley didn't reply, just resumed his vigil over Eden, who's ragged breathing made Gabriel feel like his heart was being ripped out.

"Well, they are pretty deep, but I don't think you need stitches, especially since these will be miracled away once you three get your strength back." Bella said after a quick examination, she then returned to Eden's side, who needed to have her dressings changed.

Aziraphale opened the kit and pulled out a roll of bandages and a small bottle. "Now Gabriel, this will hurt quite a bit so I suggest you brace yourself."

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