Chapter 4

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"No no no no no no no no...." Gabriel whispered desperately as he ran outside, straight to the Bentley, the salty tang of blood flooding his nostrils.

The sight that greeted him was straight out of his nightmares.....

Aziraphale was sobbing hysterically as he cradled Eden in his arms while Crowley had both hands pressed tightly against Eden's stomach wound, which was bleeding profusely.

"W-What happened?" Gabriel stammered. Not this. Not again...

"Wot does it bloody look like?!" Crowley snapped in reply, his gaze fixed on his blood soaked hands. "Satan attacked her and she broke her fucking stitches defending herself!"

Crowley had managed to identify the rank scent and he was trembling now. Satan nearly killed his daughter a second time.....

If they hadn't left that thermos of holy water in the Bentley with her....

Bad Omens: The Attack (Novella)Where stories live. Discover now