Chapter 15

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"Gabriel?" Aziraphale inquired softly as he stepped into the family room where the Archangel was still keeping vigil over Eden, determined to not leave her side. He was sitting on the hard wood floor, hunched over, not saying a word to anyone ever since Bella said he was suffering from shock.

"I brought you some tea; it's got herbs in it that help with the shock. I got the recipe from one of the journals Anathema let me borrow. I put lots of sugar in it to help with the taste." He set it down on the floor next to the still trembling Archangel.

"Crowley and I will be in the dining room with Bella if you need anything." Aziraphale murmured as he draped a spare blanket around Gabriel's shaking shoulders.

Aziraphale then turned to the still form of Eden, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Your father and I will be back soon Little One." He and Crowley would be discussing Eden's condition with Bella, which was now in a more precarious place than before.

Aziraphale lingered for a moment longer and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Gabriel reach out for the steaming cup of tea and take a sip.

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