Chapter 18

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Gabriel felt something cold being gently pressed against his brow. He shifted, his dark purple eyes fluttering open. "Mnngh." he grunted, not at all pleased by the strange sensation.

"Hush, its me." said a gentle voice. It was Aziraphale. The angel was mopping the Archangel's brow with a damp cloth.

"I'm not sick, you should focus on Eden." Gabriel muttered as he sat up, pulling away the blanket that had kept him warm.

"You should lie back down." Aziraphale said his voice surprisingly stern. "You've suffered a tremendous amount of shock yesterday and need to rest." Aziraphale pointed to a pillow that was lying on the floor which was on top of a sleeping bag.

"You are not leaving this spot until Bella says it's alright."

"What did you put in that tea?" Gabriel demanded.

"What you needed to help with the shock, and something a little extra to help you rest, which kept you in a deep enough sleep so Crowley and I could lift you onto this sleeping bag and put your head on top of a pillow. There was no way I was going to let you sleep on this cold floor...." Aziraphale trailed off for a moment but then his voice regained its stern note.

"Well, since you're not going to lie back down, I'm going to clean you up." Aziraphale gestured towards Gabriel's hands. The Archangel glanced down and stared numbly at his hands, which were encrusted with dried blood.

"It's nothing." Gabriel shrugged. "I'll miracle them clean." Gabriel raised a bloodstained hand to snap his fingers but Aziraphale stopped him.

"You will do no such thing." Aziraphale said. "You are too exhausted. We all are. I've fetched a wash basin and a couple more wash cloths." Aziraphale pointed to an oddly shaped bowl with a small pile of rags next to it. "Give me your hands."

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