Chapter 29

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Gabriel cracked two eggs on the edge of the cast iron skillet, just like Crowley showed him and as they began to sizzle, he scrambled them, feeling a pang of guilt that he could enjoy tasty food while Eden still had to eat bitter tasting herbal broth as well as herbal tea.

He then popped two slices of bread in the toaster, just like Aziraphale had shown him during a very rare occasion when the angel had left Eden's side.

After breakfast, Gabriel returned to his room and grabbed the object he had been thinking about all morning. It was Eden's tartan bow barrette. He had miracled the bloodstains away and it was now as good as new.

He had read about the human custom called "a birthday" to celebrate one's birth, although it was unheard of for angels and even frowned upon by his old Head Office, as all human customs were.

According to custom, he needed wrapping paper so it would conceal the surprise. Eden was under the impression that she had lost her barrette and Gabriel wanted to surprise her with her barrette clean and looking as if it was freshly washed.

He recalled hearing Aziraphale mention that there was wrapping paper in the hall closet, when he and Crowley were talking about Eden's birthday gifts but when the Archangel looked inside, there was only one roll of wrapping paper left.

It was dark green dotted with white snowflakes. The Archangel didn't need a pamphlet or slideshow to know that it wasn't the right kind for the occasion.

It would have to do. Crowley and Aziraphale had yet to figure out a solution to the birthday plight and they must have used the last of the birthday themed wrapping paper in advance.

Hearing footsteps, Gabriel grabbed the roll of paper and dashed into the guest room, hoping that Eden wouldn't mind snowflakes....

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