The Perfect Family (Daddy!Dean fluff)

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Request: hi can u do 1 where y/n & dean are married & have 10 old months son .. a lot lot lot of fluff please

Word count: 1,001

Warnings: none.


You and Dean were in bed, his arm wrapped lazily around your middle while tracing small patterns on your belly. You couldn’t believe that almost a year ago there had been a huge bump in that same spot. He was hiding his face in the crook of your neck, his steady and warm breathing making you feel more relaxed than ever.

"I love you," Dean whispered, his soft lips brushing against your skin. You sighed happily, reaching for his hand as you turned around to face him.

"I love you too," you smiled, laughing slightly as Dean began to pepper kisses on your face. First on your cheek, then your forehead, your nose, and finally on your lips.

"You are the most amazing woman ever, (Y/N)," he said, his rough voice laced with admiration. You opened your mouth to argue, but Dean raised a finger to your lips, his playful way of silencing you. "No, don’t even dare to argue. You are so beautiful, talented, and so brave. And you’ve given me a family, something that I can call mine everyday, and I could never even begin to thank you for that. We got out of hunting, out of not knowing if the next day we would be alive—and now we’ve got Henry, and Iknow that none of this would have been possible without you.”

"Dean," you started, but then realized that you didn’t actually know what to say. You could feel tears building up in your eyes, and hastily wiped them away. You giggled nervously, refusing to meet Dean’s gaze. "Sorry, I-I just…I love you so much."

When you finally looked at Dean, you found him staring at you with the biggest grin ever. It was just like when you had first said that. He leaned forward, capturing your lips with his own, moving slowing and passionately. You moved your hands to the back of his neck at the same time that he grabbed your hips, pressing you against him. You were tugging at the end of his shirt when a sudden cry distracted you.

You broke away from Dean, opening your eyes to look at the baby monitor. Henry continued crying, the high pitched noise interrupting the previously quiet night.

"He has the best timing, doesn’t he?" you mumbled, but even if you tried, you couldn’t feel annoyed. Henry Samuel Winchester was the best thing that had happened to you, and you loved him with all your heart.

"Wait, I’ll go," Dean said, putting his hand on your shoulder to stop you from getting up. "You had a tiring day."

"So did you," you pointed out, but he shook his head.

"I’m not tired," Dean replied with a wink. He gave you a small kiss before hoisting himself up and rolling off bed. You relaxed back into the sheets, checking out your husband as he walked out of the room.

Henry’s cries started to subdue a few seconds later, and you could hear a faint “shh” sound as well. Dean must have picked him up, because soon there was nothing but silence once again. That was the thing about Henry; he was spoiled with attention. If he wasn’t in yours or Dean’s arms, he was probably with Sam, and if not then he was with Castiel. And even then, he would probably with Charlie or Jody, who visited more and more often now that you’d had your baby.

The minutes slowly ticked away, and every now and then Henry would make a small blubbering noise. You started drifting off, your breathing becoming heavier, but then you noticed that Dean had been gone for twenty minutes already.

With a bit of worry, as well as curiosity, you rolled off the bed, wondering what was taking so long. After all, Dean was usually very good when it came to calming down your son. You pushed the half-way opened door of Henry’s bedroom, peering into the room.

The soft-blue walls were decorated with pictures, and while some of them were of Henry, the rest were of you, Dean, and anybody else that you considered family. The small star-projecting lamp, a gift of Sam, adorned the ceiling with bright dots. On the corner of the room, far away from the window (and on top of a devil’s trap hidden by a rug), was Henry’s crib. And next to that was Dean, snoozing comfortably with Henry on his arms.

"So much for not being tired," you said to yourself, quietly making your way over to Dean. He looked so peaceful, something that happened more often now that you’d retired from the hunting life.

Carefully, you lifted Henry out of his arms, though you weren’t surprised when Dean started to stir. His eyes fluttered open, worry filling them for a second when he noticed the absence of his son’s weight, but then calmed down when he saw you.

You shoot him a small smile before peering down at Henry, who seemed unfazed by the exchange of caretaker. He had chubby little cheeks, a blonde patch of hair, and, even though they were closed, the most stunning green eyes ever. You placed a kiss on his forehead, soft as feather so that he wouldn’t wake up, and smoothed his hair.

You gave him to Dean, who had been watching the small scene with fond eyes. He took Henry with caution, like he was made of glass. Dean kept his hand firmly on Henry’s head as he lowered the baby’s body into the crib, putting it back down carefully and slowly. He watched as his son slept, the tranquil rhythm of his chest moving up and down calming him to depths he thought impossible.

"We have the perfect family," Dean murmured, turning back to you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You leaned into his hug, your head against his chest, breathing in his scent.

"We really do," you whispered back, enjoying the flawless moment of pure happiness.

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