Chapter 37- Finishing Up the Judging

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3rd Person
"Welcome back to the Big Stage! Luna has now finished her last test of 6th grade!!!" Celestia announced, getting whoops and cheers from strangers.

"WHO THE F*CK IS LUNA?!?!" Some rando screamed, making Celestia glare at him. The man quivered in fear, terrified to say another word.

"Anyways, the next song we will be judging is Erza! Who sang 2002!" Lissana announced, seeming quite happy about this judging.

Rouge put on the track, since Sting was busy in the toilet from eating to many cupcakes.

Lissana smiled while closing her eyes as her elbows were on the table, listening closely to the song. She hummed along to the song, clearly enjoying it.

"And it went just like this~" Tora sang along. Gildarts tapped the table on the beat as Erza snapped.

"Oops, I got. 99 problems singing bye bye bye~!" Tora and Lissana sang along, bursting out laughing.

After the song finished, Tora and Lissana held up tens proudly, making Erza beam with happiness. Gildarts held a nine.

"WOW!!! AND OUTSTANDINGSVORE OF 29 POINTS!!!!" Celestia cheerfully announced, Erza getting more cheers than anyone.

Clearly she was a fans favorite. Natsu and Gajeel growled, leaving Levy and Lucy to sweat drop and chuckle.

Lucy held Natsu's shoulder, calming Natsu down completely, even though it was a small action, and giving him a small tinting blush.

"Erza ranks up to first place, knocking down Levy and Gajeel, along with Lucy and Natsu!" Celestia said. Lucy pouted.

"No need to rub it in, Tisa." She grumbled. Natsu raised an eyebrow at her and chuckled. Mira, who was standing right behind them, chuckled and smiled evilly as she snapped a couple of photos.

"Now then, let's move on to the next contestant, Juvia Lockser." Lissana said, returning to her self composure with a smile still on her face.

"Who performed, Snow Fairy!" Tora finished, with a cheerful smile. Sting played the song, seeming quite cheerful about it too.

Many children in the audience danced along, singing as the ending phrase went,

"Don't say goodbye!"

Making the guild members chuckle and giggle at their cuteness. Juvia beamed, getting so much attention from young ones, but was still missing the beautiful shimmer in her eyes.

Once the song ended, Lissana spoke. "I like it. It seems to be very popular with the young ones, and it's a cheerful, poppy song, yet shows Juvia's emotions very well. I give a 9."

She said. Making the little kids cheer in Juvia's favor. The adults chuckled at their behavior.

Tora was next.

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