Chapter 12- Movie Night (part 1)

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Hey cuties! I lost track of how many days I didn't update my story, because I was so lazy. So, in return, I shall give you a new chapter.

Also, this chapter is dedicated to @Sans_BBX!

Thank you for making my day with your hilarious comments, for sticking with me in both of my stories, and keep on being cute!

Again, so sorry, and thank you for reading my story!

Lucy POV
After Rouge's SILLY LITTLE PRANK, we all eventually went back to out rooms and took showers.

But really though, did Natsu have to act like a wild dog and splatter all of the dragon barf on to ME?!?! I'm surprised I didn't unconsciously transform into Liva while I was in that scene.

Anyways, my sister and Mira took the honor of hosting a movie night with none of our permissions. Literally though. They just up and said...


Mira and Tisa came in the room with popcorn boxes and 3D shades on. Then, Tisa said, "We're watch'n a movie so get your buts over to the boy's room and snuggle up against your boyfriends." Before eating a handful of popcorn.

Just then, I'm sure only one thing was going on in our heads. (And trust me, I checked.) "How do I escape?"

The girls and I all groaned and moaned in distress, as we knew this was one of the MYM's tricks.

"And don't even think about escaping. With or without Mimi's new power, she could take you all down in an instant without any of my help. Plus, we have a ton of more club members in the MYMs now~!"

We all froze with Tisa's last comment. The room was still, not counting the evilly smiling Mira popping popcorn in her mouth.

Juvia did the favor of breaking the silence. "H-how many people are now in the MYMs now?" She said with a timid voice. I know what she went through...

~flashback inside flashback~ (Deal with it)

I was sitting on the half-circle couch, watching "Fruits Basket" on "Funimation" (Your welcome for advertising this amazing app. I definitely recommend Funimation if you love Fairy Tail and other animes)

When suddenly, I heard struggled screaming just outside the door. Juvia's screaming to be exact. Then I saw five men dressed all in black that looked like FBI dragging down the screaming and kicking Juvia followed by.........

My sister

Nobody dared to help Juvia after seeing my sister following close behind. "LET ME GO!!!" Juvia screamed.

I caught a glimpse of Gray, who was trying to eat his breakfast, but was clearly struggling with a choice between love and death.

To be honest, I think Tisa's trying to lure Gray out. She did that to me a few times back when we were little too! But, I don't want to go in another flashback inside my flashback that's inside another flashback.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?!?" Juvia yelled, giving a hard kick in the nuts to the man who was reaching to grope her breast. Everyone watching flinched, but he really deserved it.

Then she punched the one griping her arm in the nose with her elbow.

And the one who was behind her, clutching her arms into a capture like position, got a hard kick in the face by a flinging leg.

With three goons knocked out and two left, Tisa was starting to panic, because she knew the last goons wouldn't hold up for over 2 minuets and she's rather not go into distress mode on one of her dear friends.

So, she started explaining her plan. "Well, you lost your glimmer, so I'm trying to lure Gray out so he doesn't take forever to confess and save Gruvia. Me and everyone in the MYMs think that." My sister chuckles as she explained casually, as if that was it most normal thing in the world.

With both of the last goons knocked out on the floor, Juvia dusted out her blue and frilly dress, and looked up at Tisa.

"Again with this "glimmer" thing! What is that exactly?"

Tisa was silent for a moment, before speaking again. "Never you mind." And tried to shake off the topic, which Juvia immediately took the offer.

~end of flashback inside flashback~

Tisa answered Juvia's question, "Well, let's see... there's me of course,




Aires joined due to her boyfriend's suggestion,

Oh and did I mention Plue and Happy recently joined?

And there's also Sting,

Rouge joined too,

And finally there's my beloved boyfriend Rufus! And fear not, there will be more members joining us soon!"

After memorizing the whole list of members, I looked around the room to see freaked faces. And who could help me from making one too? My OWN spirits betrayed me for the silly love club!!!

We'll have to overcome quite the challenge to avoid everyone in the list, especially when we could bump into anyone of them at anytime, anywhere in this resort.

But we couldn't refuse the movie night. Or we would face something even worse than death...

~end of flashback~

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand THAT'S how we got to this position, where we are presently in the boy's room, on the white half-circle couch.

The boy's room looked pretty identical to the girl's room, but there were beanbags and more separate chairs laid around the room, just for the movie night.

Luckily, Cana and Bacchus barely escaped this nightmare by pretending to be so drunk, that they hit on every boy and girl they saw. And once they were sure everyone was out of sight, they went downstairs to have another drinking contest.

Here's the seating chart:

Rowen at the front- beanbags, blankets, and pillows

Gale is cuddled on the far right side of the half-circle couch- Levy is huddled in Gajeel's lap, both blushing

Jerza is cuddled on the far left side of the half-circle couch- Erza in Jellal's lap, Jellal blushing madly while Erza is as cool as a cucumber... I wonder why?

Gruvia is laid out on a beanbag, more awkward than ever- Juvia is laid on top of Gray, not sure how to respond, but has a slight blush tinted on her cheeks, while Gray bright red.

Miraxus and Rufistia are sitting in chairs behind the half-circle couch, watching every move and capturing every shipping moment- Celestia on Rufus's lap, both slightly blushing (you would think they would've gotten used to it by now.

And Mira is uncomfortably trying to hide a massive blush while sitting in Laxus's lap.

And finally, we move on to me and Natsu. I am blushing. That is all you need to know....

Okay fine!

I'm laying on Natsu, quite comfortably in fact, too comfortable. He fell asleep!!! His head is leaning on my shoulder, and is practically snoring when the movie hasn't even started yet!

"By the way, what movie are we watching?" Levy interrupted the silence, which caught Mira's attention, so she quickly answered it — trying to distract her from sitting in Laxus's lap.

"A horror movie!"

~to be continued~

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