The Grave Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"Well then alright, I am here to find out what drove Dorian to the edge, so much so that he took his life" I spoke without thinking and he shuddered.

"Dorian killed himself?"

"You didn't know?"

"We... No... Nobody knows. All we know is that his brother came here a few months ago"

Something stirred in my mind, "a few months ago, you say?"

He nodded. There was a lapse in the story, Wembley said Dorian's brother brought him back, and so did Will but The police records say that Dorian's brother has been in rehab for a year now. Something was very wrong in this and I had no idea what.

"Okay, just give me the address. Also here" I extended a paper towards him, "these are the numbers and names of my friends, just in case."

He took the paper and texted me the address, "and yes, while I am gone, if a man named Nikolai comes in, just don't tell him where I went." I paused, "Or I'll tell your father why you feel so tired in the morning and where all your pocket money goes"

His eyes widened, "what the fuck? What the?.... How. How do you?"

"I saw you paying that girl"

Just to be safe I sent him a picture of Nikolai and he agreed not to tell him anything about me.

I took a cab and showed him the address but he hesitated, "oh for fuck sake, DRIVE..!!"

Within fifteen minutes I entered an alone street with only a single house in view. "I won't ho ahead of this, you can pay less if you want"

I rolled my eyes and paid him extra while getting out of the taxi. I walked towards the house and looked at it. The lights inside were on and I could see the smoke coming out of the chimney. Will must have mistaken, this house was supposed to be empty.

Counting on my chances of being wrong, I waited along with the fence gate and saw a woman come out of the small wooden door, "Excuse me?" I called after her and she looked at me.

The look on her face changed from confusion to recognition as she stepped closer to me, "sorry to bother you... " I started but she interjected.

"I know you," She said and I stepped back slightly paranoid.

"I... What?"

"Sir, Dorian wouldn't shut up about you, and we have seen your pictures"

My heart thumped so hard at his mention that I felt it's going to pop out of my chest.

"I just want to know a few things," I said and she realised what I meant.

"Come in," She said and opened the fence door.

The house was completely rustic and the smell. Of delicious food wafted from the kitchen. The small lamps lit the living room as the skies grew black outside.

I was sitting on a couch with a cup. Of ginger tea when the lady came down and sat in a chair near me.

"I am Lydia and this is my husband Jonathan, we are the caretakers of the Ashford property." She gestured towards a man sitting in an easy chair.

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