You don't dislike the suggestion at all, in fact, the overflowing spirit you felt yesterday rushed back to you. You have to agree with Sonya, sleepover does sounds like a great escape for today's unfortunate rundown on your schedule. After the day ends with a tough feeling, something fun such as sleepover should be able to light up your mood.

"It's alright, it sounds fun! Come in," you open the door wider so they could enter easily.

The Grace Field girls are spreading the blankets on the floor while the Grand Valley ones are preparing the television. Not like when you were in Grace Field, this shelter has a source of power generator that was coming from the earth heat stored underground. It makes you able to use electricity including television.

"Something is missing," you mumbled.

As you are realizing it, you said, "Oh! We should grab some snacks."

"I think we should will be fine without it, better left it for tomorrow's afternoon snack or to store it in case of emergency," said Anna.

You remember some children have said that before at the first dinner you have together. They were used to limit their food so everyone won't spend all their supplies all at once.

You try to reassure everyone. "Nah, we still have plenty. I would grab just enough for all of us, wait a minute."

You run over the kitchen and bring a jar of dried fruit back.


One movie soon over with each of the girls, and yeah you're included, sitting at the edge of their seats and either calmly blushing or squealing when the two main characters are kissing under the rain.

"Woah ... That one was pretty aggressive," noted Violet. She is the only one who managed to keep her calm from the scenes.

You, who rarely watch movies, are only can hiding your face behind your hands as you feel your cheek is burning as the kiss is taking much longer than you thought it would be. These situation where you watch it with other girls are not helping at all. It's like you are busted for watching something embarrassing when in fact everyone also watch it all along.

"This is better than what we found on the bunker."

Gilda nod and then said, "The male actor is also more good looking ... lucky her."

"Yeah ... His hands looks so gentle framing her face like that," said Anna.

It's like you are out of place again for the numerous time since they have taken notes on rather heart throbbing topics. Not only because you never done a girls' movie night/sleepover/girls' night or whatever everyone called it, but the last time you have this kind of meet up, you sure you never nudge the talk about boys—romantically.

And they are talking about it out loud while you're helplessly blushing the entire time, damn it.

Even Emma, your sweet innocent Emma, also easily slips in their conversation. She asked, "Do you ever wonder ... how does it actually feels?"

The whole room suddenly become silent. How does it feels ... you've also been curious sometime. That answer than comes out before you could think it twice, "Some times."

Violet, as forthright as ever, answered in a beat, "Well, why don't we asked our Gillian over here? She definitely has experienced it, right?" 

Gilda clasps her hands together. "Oh! How are you doing with Niggel?"

The girl rested her head over her hands while lying down on the blanket on her stomach. Gillian showed everyone this one dreamy smile and not even care to hide her blush.

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