Doctor's Orders (And Wedding Plans)

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Will's POV

I looked up at Percy. "Already? That was quick."

"Yeah. I guess cyclops don't like greek fire."

"Wait aren't cyclops fire proof though. I mean, they have to work in the forge, don't they?" Annabeth asked.

"That's a good question. It's probably because greek fire and regular fire aren't the same thing "

(A/N: wow I just dug myself a hole writing this. Just play along bc I forgot cyclops are fire proof)

Percy looked out the window. "Think they need help cleaning up?"

"We should probably pitch in and help. It'll get the job done quicker." Annabeth suggested.

"True." Billie said. "And it'll prepare us for more attacks."

I looked at Nico, who looked like he was about to either pass out or puke. He stood up unsteadily and walked towards the door.

"You guys go. I-I need to check on something." He walked through the door and sprinted away.

There was an awkward silence as he watched him run away towards the other cabins, weaving in and out so no one saw him.

"Is everything okay with you guys?" Percy asked, breaking the silence. "That seemed a little awkward."

"We should be okay. I mean, nothing's wrong."

"I mean, I'm no daughter of Aphrodite, but maybe you should check on him." Billie said.

I nodded. "Yeah, okay. I'll check it out."

I walked out the door and tried to find my boyfriend. I figured he was in his cabin, since he didn't look steady enough to go and train. I walked to the Hades cabin and knocked on the door.  I knew I was aloud to just walk right in,  but I wanted to give Nico a little privacy.  

"Nico?" I called.  "You in there?"

I heard a quiet but distinct "Yeah."

I walked in on Nico sitting on his bed in a ball.  I couldn't tell if he was shaking,  but I was guessing he was.  I slowly walked over to his bed and sat on the edge.  I pr my hand ot and rubbed his shoulder. 

"Hey Neeks. You okay?" I asked quietly.  I said it with the same softness I used with scared demigod children when they first visit camp. It was friendly and welcoming,  and usually kept kids calm.  It also usually worked on Nico.  

He groaned in response.  

"Hey man, talk to me.  What's wrong?" 

He looked at me. He wasn't crying, but he almost looked angry, which was worse. "I'm mad."

I looked him with a very parental expression. "Oh really?" I asked sarcastically. "Why?"

"Because!" He yelled. "I come back from this screwed up kidnapping,  all I want to do is to help camp, and I can't even get myself to LOOK at a dead cyclops! It's bullshit!"

I moved my hand to my lap incase he went on a rage spree. I looked down at my lap as I decided what to say. I understand why he felt that way. Nico pushed himself to his limits every single day, and when he found his limits, he'd be mad at himself because he couldn't accomplish whatever he wanted to do.

Everyone at camp has felt that feeling one way or another. Even I have, and it's not a good feeling.

"Well, Nico, you have to realize that you just got kidnapped. You went through both mental and physical challenges in the past week. You deserve to have a break sometimes. It's okay if you can't handle somethings right now. It's perfectly normal when you go through traumatic experiences. You're allowed to take it easy." I said at last.

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